[sudo-discuss] meeting tomorrow?

Jake jake at spaz.org
Tue May 4 15:33:02 PDT 2021

Thank you for bringing this up Yar.  I'm down to attend meetings (I assume
using Jitsi or something?)  https://jitsi.noisebridge.io

I was trying to get people to help tune up sudo-humans and made a bit of
progress there, but it stalled.  I was thinking that there are probably a lot
of people whose monthly tithing fell off because of failures on our end, and
that just picking up that slack would bring up our income again.

It's also why I feel strongly about us doing the electrical work ourselves,
especially since I feel that our ability to do that properly is much greater
than most other people realize.


On Tue, 4 May 2021, Yardena Cohen wrote:

> We really need to meet and figure out how to get out of debt. This
> problem grows more existential every day. The clock is ticking.
> Shall we reboot our Wednesday meetings? Starting tomorrow 5/5?
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