[sudo-sys] Mumble

Charles E. Lehner cel at celehner.com
Thu Apr 16 08:41:51 PDT 2020

Dear sudo-sys,

I set up a Mumble server for Sudo Room. It is running uMurmur on Sudo Room's saros machine, and is reachable at address room.sudorom.org.

Relevant files:
- /usr/local/etc/umurmur.conf    - Server config file
- /usr/local/src/umurmur         - Server source directory
- /usr/local/etc/systemd/system/umurmur.service - Systemd service file
- /etc/iptables/rules.v[46]      - Firewalls updated to allow incoming connections on port 64738

Relevant commands:
- systemctl status umurmur       - Check the server status
- sudo systemctl restart umurmur - Restart the server
- sudo journalctl -u umurmur -f  - Follow the server log

uMurmur is a lightweight Mumble server implementation. I first learned of it from browsing OpenWRT package repos. If you check e.g. htop, you can see it uses very little RAM or CPU. Bandwidth usage should also be low, and is limited by some config settings.

More info on this Wiki page:

I also published a private message about it on Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB): %6wUU2x+wrO4vJbhebX+p9iYlNuS8EnNlPyGT5o4ogaU=.sha256

I hope this can be useful for Sudo Room people and groups wanting to have high-quality low-latency voice chats, or who like Mumble and could use a server that is more geographically close to them and not in a corporate cloud. Does sudo-sys have any feedback before I share it to sudo-discuss?

Charles (cel)
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