[Tmpcommonsnet] [Org] Wiki and pad up and running

Roger Baig Viñas roger.baig at guifi.net
Sun Oct 27 16:26:12 PDT 2013

Hi there,

As part of the tools aimed to help us to build the int. org. a wiki [1]
and a pad [2] are up and running (with even the backup systems tested :p).

[1] http://dokuwiki.tmp-l2org.guifi.net
[2] http://etherpad.tmp-l2org.guifi.net


* Logistics*
At the moment they are hosted in a guifi.net server, but can be migrated
to anywhere else if we decide to do so. So far I'm the only (sys)admin
but I'm happy to share these tasks with anyone else.

* Contents *

I have started putting some content/informtion already gathered
(meetings, research, etc.) and will continue doing so next week. I would
appreciate if you could have a look, specially at the wiki, and provide
feedback about the general layout. You are all also encouraged to
register a user and start adding content.


>From the meetings we have already had working by topics seems to be the
most convinient way. This is how I started structuring the wiki (well,
the wiki concept itself is already based on topics). I added a "Roadmap"
[1] section in the start page with the idea to hihglight (and drive a
bit) the hot topics.

[1] http://dokuwiki.tmp-l2org.guifi.net/doku.php?id=start&#roadmap


I think we should have the basics (org name, domain, mission, etc.) not
later than by the end of November. I propose to debate them during a
couple of weeks and then to have a meeting to finish the discussons and
to try to reach consensus. I volunteer to moderate the discussions. Pls,
also feedback about this.

Best regards.

Roger Baig Viñas
Fundació Privada per a la Xarxa Oberta, Lliure i Neutral guifi.net

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