[Artmurmur] Friday the 5th

Romy Ilano romy at snowyla.com
Sun Jun 30 14:14:12 PDT 2013

This is really interesting -- i don't have time for this though but it
would be really useful Patrick if you could put this stuff up on the
SudoRoom wiki

I strongly suggest having each group pay a small fee of $5-10 each so that
you can pay someone to clear people out at the end of the night and clean
up--most participants usually are too tired to clean up and there is a lot
of drinking going on.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Patrick Schmidt <patrick at openclay.org>wrote:

> hi y'all,
> yesterday we had a meeting to organize the 3rd friday Timebank-POSSE party.
> We also talked about art murmur and thought to animate all groups involved
> with the sudoroom to do a meta-potluck and mingle and cross polinate.
> We thought to start in August and Timebank and East Bay Barter Exchange
> are excited to be part of it.
> if we then invite public school, oakland wiki, Mesh, CCLabs, ... and all
> the other groups, that could be a really  awesome thing!?
> is anyone interested in (helping) making a flyer?
> patrick
> of couse we
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 8:16 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net>wrote:
>> I know how you feel, I've been scared to go downtown too since there have
>> been so many muggings, including my daughter, which hit me really hard.  I
>> hope you will come by for first Friday though and show your work.  It's
>> great stuff that you do.  I just take it home after.  Actually I left
>> sculpture there for months and it was fine.  I would not leave any of my
>> bronze there, though.
>> The night that people got shot a few blocks away, really a block and a
>> half away, we were having an amazing time at Sudo room with an EEG machine,
>> and Atomic ice cream, etc.  We are the community too, and I think our
>> presence is important!  Sudo room is the best thing that has happened in
>> Oakland since I have been here!  Just showing up is about all you need to
>> do, and amazing things happen when we all get together:)
>> Tracy
>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 8:04 PM, Romy Ilano <romy at snowyla.com> wrote:
>> I don't have the time or energy to organize any art shows during Art
>> Murmur -- It is a fine event, I wish you all well!
>> I actually dislike going to SudoRoom or downtown Oakland during Art
>> Murmur--too stressful or crowded for me. If there's anything I can do
>> online to help with the Saturday Stroll that would be interesting. I don't
>> have much time either and am also working full time.
>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net>wrote:
>>> I have been to every Art Murmur first Friday since we got the box
>>> office, except one when I had another show.  I have never been shushed to
>>> my knowledge.  We have had lots of fun stuff going on for first Fridays,
>>> mainly just because people show up and bring stuff;  a lot of it DIY
>>> projects that encourage people to get involved.  I love what our first
>>> fridays have become organically.  I'm so happy just to have a space where I
>>> can show new projects anytime, it's a real luxury. It has been very social,
>>> and very fun.
>>> The thing is I work full-time at a non art related job, and I can't take
>>> on the role of the person who organizes a show  there or promotes an event
>>> there.  If you want to  do any of those things, I encourage you to step up
>>> and do it!  I just find that as much as I want to have unlimited time to do
>>> all these things, that making art is about all  I have time to do, and even
>>> that is questionable.
>>> I agree about security being an issue and I am not sure how to resolve
>>> that.  I am not comfortable leaving work out in the community room because
>>> it might be stolen.  It's also a problem when inviting other artists to
>>> leave work there.
>>> I think the only way people will come there to see art on Saturday
>>> stroll is if we become Art Murmur official.  I checked into it and brought
>>> it up at a couple meetings but  we weren't ready to do that at that time.
>>>  I would support that move if I don't have to put in too much time being a
>>> gallery personnel.  It's work! Lots of work.  How much free time do you
>>> have?  Do you want to do it?  I don't have the time or energy but I think
>>> you have good ideas.
>>> Tracy
>>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 7:35 PM, Romy Ilano <romy at snowyla.com> wrote:
>>> Tracy,
>>> There was some discussion of getting more First Friday traffic into
>>> SudoRoom. I think it was at one of the meetings--I think there was talk of
>>> possibly having the public terminal downstairs (?) and slightly outside on
>>> the street.
>>>    - I think Jenny was working with substack on a possible "5 minutes
>>>    of fame" during First Friday. This would bring more people and possibly
>>>    motivate the artists. There could be a projector closer to the street?
>>>    - problem is: we don't have a permit to stand on the street, might
>>>       annoy our landlord
>>>       - Potential security issue as someone has been robbed at gunpoint
>>>       - the main room is hidden from the main street and kind of
>>>    forlorn. There's not a streetfront. This is a lot of competition with First
>>>    Fridays which is a highly social event.
>>>    - Maybe you can make the art event more social? Mix it up with an
>>>    art opening (they're showing films) or a fashion show? I'm not sure.
>>> I personally see Saturday Strolls as more interesting, and there's less
>>> competition with the big social gathering and peacock strutting that goes
>>> along with with First Fridays. Most of the people that go to the art murmur
>>> are cool, but they are very distracted with socializing, hanging out with
>>> friends. It might not be interesting to them to go to the SudoRoom unless
>>> you could find a way to make it interesting to someone who is on a date/
>>> out drinking with people?
>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net>wrote:
>>>> Hi Romy,
>>>> I know about Saturday stroll, it would be nice to be open then too, but
>>>> I can't personally commit to being there every Saturday.  I think it would
>>>> be great to get an official Art Murmur membership too, if we have enough
>>>> people interested in sharing that expense and the responsibilities that
>>>> come with it.  I'm glad you're here now and interested in the Art
>>>> possibilities! I like your charicatures so much, do you have some ready to
>>>> show?
>>>> It's harder than I thought to get people to bring in work to show
>>>> there.  I tried for a few months and gave up, because I felt overextended.
>>>>  Still, we always manage to have some fun event or other on the First
>>>> Friday, and the space has potential for showing/selling art for sure.   We
>>>> should talk more about what to do with it.
>>>> Really happy to have your input/enthusiasm.
>>>> Tracy
>>>> On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:56 PM, Romy Ilano <romy at snowyla.com> wrote:
>>>> Tracy
>>>> There's not only the art murmur but also the Saturday Stroll... [the
>>>> morning after]
>>>> http://oaklandartmurmur.org/events/tags/saturday-stroll/
>>>> There's an art gallery downstairs in the same building, and they are
>>>> always open during the Saturday Stroll. I don't know the name of
>>>> the gallery but it might be cool to check with them. They are certainly
>>>> open during art murmur. Maybe it would be good to coordinate with them as
>>>> well?
>>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net>wrote:
>>>>> Anyone thinking about stuff to do for Art Murmur, on the 5th?  It is
>>>>> definitely still happening, though the city can't afford to close the
>>>>> street;  I guess it costs like $25,000 per each event!  I'm planning to go
>>>>> in and clean the community room a bit beforehand, and if I can, bring some
>>>>> art.  If I can get all the parts ready, I'd like to set up a
>>>>> zootrope with a turntable and strobe light, so that people can make
>>>>> their own claymation.  It's super fun for all ages.
>>>>> If anyone else has ideas or stuff to bring that would be awesome.
>>>>>  Hope to see you all there.
>>>>> Tracy
>>>>> www.funkyautomata.com
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