Product manager: the future of work and communication

I care about grand challenges at human scale. Collaboration, Technology, Business, Communication, Product Leadership.

Coding since 1972. Bar mitzvah since 1973. Internet since 1979.

   Alumnus of NavSupSysCom, Gateway, Compaq (employee 56), Wang Labs, Bechtel National, LSI Logic, Adecco SA.
   Wrote and spoke on advances in management, technology, and collaboration since 1998.
   Co-founded and led a 5000 volunteer political organization that made one million calls to swing states in 2004. 
   Edited Skype Journal since 2005, consulting on realtime collaboration and over-the-top platforming since 2006.
   Senior Associate of the Foresight Institute since 2000.
   Program advisor to the Emerging Communications Conference since 2006.
   Director of the not-for-profit DataPortability Project since 2008. Doing something interesting in the Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium since 2011.
   Quora Top Writer 2012.
   #OpenOakland Code for America brigade product manager.
   California State University Long Beach, Business Administration Financial Management, with Applied Math and Economics concentrations
   product management
   Places I've lived: Hell's Kitchen Manhattan; Santa Monica, Long Beach, San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, California.