
Last Sunday, six of us showed up to the Project Proposal Party! We ate snacks, stuck sticky-notes to monitors (see below), chatted about projects we were interested in proposing, and organized our thoughts in a pad (also see below).

I thought it was an effective way to gather a range of input, and to hear what's on people's minds--what their interests and priorities are at this moment in time.

So we're doing it again! If you want to get feedback on a proposal idea, come by sudoroom this Sunday from 1-3pm. If you can't make it to that region of spacetime, but you still want to be heard on Sunday, feel free to e-mail me your ideas, and I'll read them to whoever shows up.

I'll say it again because I think it's important: Be creative and exploratory! Let's not be afraid about presenting proposals that get rejected, or that it turns out nobody actually wants to do. That's a really important part of the process.

Sincerely looking forward!



'''People's Open Net Project Proposal Party' 13 January 2019''

=== Contents ===

Guideline for making project proposals (https://www.loomio.org/d/t96DoNbJ/what-should-a-project-proposal-look-like-/4)
The proposal process: https://www.loomio.org/p/fYI1OUFW/project-proposal-process-v1
Tuesday's discussion about bounties, proposals, and other ways to focus on key goals this year (https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/08_January_2019#Discussion_Item:_Setting_up_bounties_for_debugging_the_network)

=== Note ===
Be creative and exploratory! Let's not be afraid about presenting proposals that get rejected, or that it turns out nobody actually wants to do. That's a really important part of the process.

=== Proposal Components === 
* Scope - What problem is this solving? What is the tangible solution being implemented?
* Timeline - How long will it take? (Start date, end date, and any other milestones.)
* Budget - What are the material and labor costs?
* Risks - Are there any potential blockers on progress? (E.g. is research required?)
* Outcomes / reporting requirements - What are the deliverables due at project end date?
* Collaborators - Who is responsible for completing the work?
* Accountability buddy / peer advisor - Who will check in with the collaborators and help them stay on track?

== Proposal Process Improvements ==
* Use a pad (this one?) to track ideas.
* If you want to elevate an idea to a proposal, fill out the above template and throw it into Loomio.
* Notify the appropriate channels (mailing list and rocket.chat) that a proposal has been proposed.
* If the proposal clears, create a card for it in Internal Logistics / Bureaucracy / Brainstorms with the Funded label (https://trello.com/b/LzVQlW3X/internal-logistics-bureaucracy-brainstorms)

== Categories of work we do ==

* Outreach
** Education
** Media: Videos
** Materials: Brochures
** Events
** Art grants

* Maintenance
** Hardware
** Software

* Core Operations
** Accounting / Bookkeeping / State Filings
** Legal / Insurance
** Documentation
** Fundraising

* Network Growth
** Uplinks/bandwidth: Internet Archive, Paxio, Monkeybrains (?)
** Node mounts

* New Development
** Calyx nodes
** App Layer

== Projects ==

* Votes (and participants)
** M = Mai
** P = Pam
** S = Seth
** E = Ben
** Y = Benny
** T = Tyler

* Instructional sticker to attach to nodes (seth) - PSEM 
** Design + reliable print sourcing - T
** Note: there was work done on this a year ago: https://trello.com/c/W6uAEicR/13-node-stickers-for-denoting-ports-and-printing-admin-info
*** jnny: and actually more recently than that: https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/commit/23ba8b78f8d69e7fc8405e1f609004196c111d24#diff-f6bf1df8c254c9ceecb449f970d138bb 
** Private network name/password, admin name/password, mesh IP, our contact info (email) 

* Neighbor/community outreach Brochure (mai) - TSPM 

* Officers' Insurance (mai) - EYM 
** insurance docs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1evIojKxjyDb2FuJH0wuO9tZaY3zUIn44
** also need General Liability

* CALYX mesh-in-a-box (solar) (juul/jnny) - YPE

* Maintain/improve node flashing process - SM 
** Create node flashing walkthrough for Windows PCs

* Rebooting/Fixing Hurricane Electric Exit Node (eenblam) - EM 
** $X to visit
** $X + Y to also deal with extended issue
** Post mortem required

* Organizing / cleaning / updating the wiki, the propaganda repo, the website, the trello - YM 

* Internet Archive Exitnode - P. 

* Internet Archive Uplink- SY 

* Extend and document community outreach process - E
** Who do we talk to?
** Ask what their needs are
** Update our goals if applicable

* Fundraising
** Monthly donation drive through Patreon
** Grant applications
** Fundraising docs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4_Q7DQvNFT-SHRjd2I0QU02bEE

* Paxio Uplink

* What Jenny does [jnny: haha. bureaucracy-wrangling]
** Tax reporting and filing (benny)
*** 990s, 199s, RRF-1s, Business Tax Exemption, 1099s, SI-100s, End-of-Year Financial Reports, Annual & Projected budget
** Write checks to people
** Income and Expense tracking

* Design and POC of non-penetrating roof mounts (design and documentation) - T

*Internal help ticketing system? (C-desk/spiceworks)? --T

* Bring Nico back to facilitate a mapping workshop - Y 
** Mapping what areas need connectivity
** jnny: East Oakland Collective is starting to do neighborhood asset-mapping workshops. Connect w/ Candice

* Privacy + security on the mesh pamphlet - T

*Backhaul network at Oakland fire stations for city wide network services? --T

* Update node tracking + key distro strategy
** To account for auto conf
** Management Way for people who want to give others/us admin privileges to do so

== General Ideas ==

* How to make the org more inclusive to women QTPOC

* Media/education budget
** Videos/Worskhops - P
** Classes on network basics?

* Community mesh art grant/residency - PY