Eddan's idea of a Neo-Teddy Ruxpin Storytelling Machine sounds wonderful! Here's a good review, for those of you who don't know what he's talking about:


The cool part is that there's so many different angles to this: you can have some people working on the robotics of an animatronic bear, others on a speech-to-text-to animatronics module, the writers of course focus on writing some cool stories, whatever voice talent we have in-house can record some of the stories, some of the software people can work on an online platform to vet and download stories from, and the electronics people can figure out how to download those stories wirelessly and control the animatronics.

You could literally have all of sudoroom working on different aspects of the same project!


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Eddie Miller <eddiemill@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Romy! and Troy said he's interested in doing some more serious bookbinding, as well. Definitely some next steps to research more about this bookbinding and see what we can learn. Anyone can put up research or information on the page, under "edit." https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Art_of_Bookbinding

The hackerpass? very cool. Che

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Romy Ilano <romy@snowyla.com> wrote:
you can try these hackerspace passports that mitch from noisebridge made if you want good practice. I and y are definitely interested in having hackerspace passports.

There's a pdf online

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Eddie Miller <eddiemill@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello there sudo-word (sudo-writers/.../?) ~
Thanks for putting out the minutes. some updates so far.

☐ Do research on art of BookBinding and see what we can learn

<< The page, "Art of Bookbinding" is up on the wiki. You can view this at https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Art_of_Bookbinding
I've been teaching everyone the small one-page zine design so far, making them and scanning them to deviantart, including the larger community.
The person's book who was in the sudoroom is uploaded on the wiki page.

Proposes: A book that is created by a group of people on a wiki, as a journey. Focus on multi-media, sound & image.

<< This needs a title before it can be a page on the wiki for us to create the book, and Rabbit when it's going to have sound, the art for the start of the book is made and pinned above the sudo room computer; and attached. Enjoy! :)

Live in a revolution, Che.

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Eddan Katz <eddan@eddan.com> wrote:
with apologies for the delay. here's the notes from the sudo-word meeting last week.

Sudo Room Writers Meeting

May 19, 2013 5:00 PM



Anna, Rabbit, Ryan Bettencourt, Mediche, Ray, Eddan



First time to Sudo Room, came at suggestion of Vicky. Has some interesting ideas about new and innovative ways to do erotica

Proposal to create a 'book' that allows sighted people to experience reading while blind. Notion of: Braille as Tactility as Narrative.

Interested in explosions and sound. Centered around cosmic sustainability. Looking to capture an image in sound. Wants to establish new spaces.
Proposes: A book that is created by a group of people on a wiki, as a journey. Focus on multi-media, sound & image.

Proposes Neo-Teddy Ruxpin Storytelling Machine. - that can be modified because it is open source and open hardware. Not like Aibo Pet circumvention fiasco.

Interested in the Sudo Press traditional publishing suggestion. Wants to help pull together a book with first serious mainstream discussions of bio-hacking.
Discussion of Sudo-Press. details to be specified by group on mailing list.

Creates machines that write code for you. Interested in scaling up and doing collaborative sudo book. Also interested in sound - suggestion to create a throwback to the old radio shows full of sound as narrative - through Sudo Radio.
Discussion about Electric Sheep Screen-Saver as possible Sudo project. something with distributed computing.
Object that sells itself, like the one on eBay - and partly to fundraise.

Further Discussion on Neo-Teddy Ruxpin:
suggestion to have a camera taking some pictures or video and uploading it to a blog. The idea of past, present, and future owners getting connected with a toy that's recording its own history.

Discussion of Choose Your Own Adventure:
Interested in going beyond the several options of narratives, and leave it to an open generative model.

Video Games:
narrative where the player is integral to the further development of the narrative. story not pre-determined.

Regarding name of the group, specifically for the mailing list, four suggestions were made to be decided by collective consensus:

Action Items

☐ Create Mailing list for further discussion

☐ Sketch out idea for Sudo Room Object that Sells Itself on eBay

☐ Do research on art of BookBinding and see what we can learn

☐ Start putting together the Open Ruxpin project

☐ Ray sends out Map of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure


sent from eddan.com

sudo-discuss mailing list

Eddie Miller, BU '10
eddiemill@gmail.com | 440-935-5434
Facebook.com/eddiemill | Twitter.com/eddiemill

sudo-discuss mailing list

Eddie Miller, BU '10
eddiemill@gmail.com | 440-935-5434
Facebook.com/eddiemill | Twitter.com/eddiemill

sudo-discuss mailing list