hiii I'm Anwar, I'm still pretty new to sudoroom, but I would like this kind of meeting a lot, I don't have any particular personal projects lately so I haven't felt like i had much to do coming to HH, but would love to contribute to this kind of event. Personallyyy wednesday works best for me by a large margin, thursdays and fridays would be impossible/much harder respectively for me to come consistently.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 7:24 PM Andrew R Gross via sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org> wrote:
I'm in full support. I will say that the challenge is getting people to attend. 

I used to hold meeting every Wednesday, and there weren't enough people to discuss things, so we changed things so that the first Wednesday is the big meeting, and all other Wednesdays are optional meetings. 

What if we changed the day we meet? Would anyone be more likely to attend meetings and hang-outs if they were on Thursday or Friday? I'm just going to keep saying this: if you like Sudo/Omni and would be sad if it disappeared, please reply and volunteer for working group! Just setting aside 2 hrs a month would make a difference!

Andrew R Gross, (he/him)
412.657.5332    -   shrad.org

On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 1:36 PM Paige P via sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org> wrote:
I have a proposal to make meetings weekly at Sudo Room (rather than 1x a month). My idea is 2 of these are structured with agendas, votes, and notes (maybe the first and third Wednesdays, so we have time to review proposals that will be voted on in delegates meeting), and other ones would be informal, but at least focused on some cooperative project (i.e. building out/fixing up work stations, working on wiki documentation, laptop program work, or doing some outreach). Hopefully we could pool together some food for these too for community building.

Context: Last night there was discussion about ways Omni isn't working right now. One of the complaints that resonated with me is that delegates aren't really acting like delegates right now (in the horizontal organizing/anarchist sense), and do have power. Yea by some it was getting framed that they are power hungry white supremacists who won't step down, but my perspective is that they reluctantly have power because there is not an engaged membership that they can represent - they have to do a lot of the decision making work on their own (not good).  At the least, I think that's true of sudo room right now, and I hope this Wednesday idea could help foster community and consensus building efforts. Yes I know some of this happens Tuesday and Mondays night, but for the most part those are focused on personal project hacking (which is well and good, just different).

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