I do not support Jamal as someone who would willingly support the sudo room community. 
Clearly this shows that they have different and conflicting goals. The most rational of which would appear to be financial gain for other unrelated organizations.

Sudo room is not merely an equity funding source, it’s a living community.

man. 8. jan. 2024 kl. 12.02 PM skrev Jake via sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org>:
That's a great question!  I believe strongly in anti-racism, so if I did say
or do something racist I would want to know about it.

Here is what I can guess about the accusations (which were not told to me):

At the September 21 Omni Delegates meeting when we were trying to approve TANC
for membership, and CLP wanted to block, CLP member Danielle said she was the
delegate for BOGSS (a committee created by CLP and approved by Omni) so that
they could have two voices, and overcome consensus-minus-one to block TANC.

By this point in the meeting, Rafiq of CLP had been openly attacking me
directly, and Yar (as facilitator) was allowing it and at this point was still
coordinating with Rafiq over Signal on how to get rid of me (see the CLP
callout doc for screenshots)

Here are the meeting notes:

   danielle: i feel disheartened how people are talking about bogss. important to
   improve things, they're not always perfect off the bad. sorry jake but i think
   the way you're talking about CLP and rafiq in particular
   jake interrupts: are you a CLP member?

so I, acting as Sudoroom delegate, asked a person (on voice in a zoom call),
if they were a member of one of the other collectives, because I think it
would be appropriate for such a cross-member to recuse themselves from
decisions specific to the collective they're a member of when representing

At that moment, Rafiq of CLP said in the chat
"jake has no respect for black women clearly"

and Yar ran with it.  In an email to the consensus list, she wrote:
   I have been in open conflict with Jake for many years over his racist,
   anti-Black behavior. You can look up many public instances of this. I've
   also publicly distanced myself from Sudoroom over similar issues, many
   times. The only thing Jake and I have in common this week, is that we both
   agree Omni should remove CLP. It's honestly embarrassing for me to be on
   the same side as him. My conflict with Jake is one reason it took me so
   long - I did not trust or believe him when he said as early as last year
   how fascist CLP are. He said it in racist ways, which of course didn't help.

"[omni-consensus] Accountability for Anti-Blackness in Sudoroom"
The whole email is interesting, get on the consensus list and read it if you
can, I guess you have to ask Yar for access though or I can forward it to you.

I asked Yar to name ANY of these "many public instances" and she came up with
none.  Yar is still invited to elaborate on this, but given Yar's email to
this list recently called "Racism at last night's meeting" it seems that
asking for a person who expressly represents People's Programs and who is not
a part of sudoroom in any way, to not be in our sudoroom meeting, was racist.
Also the person I'm talking about berated the sudoroom meeting the previous
week, saying that not immediately partnering with People's Programs is racist.


For more background and context of Yar's collaboration with CLP up until the
point of us having to remove them from Omni, you can see their google doc
which is still the top link of their linktree.  This is as close as I can find
to the basis of the movement to remove me personally (I'm named in the doc 18

I also want to say that Jamal (who wrote the letter telling me I'm banned) is
now contacting me directly, telling me not to talk about this ban, not to
participate in this email thread on the sudoroom list, and threatening that
"additional accountability action will be taken where repeat behaviors occur
during this ban"

This is the person who is trying to be "executive director" of Omni, with
Silver as his advisor.  Paige voted in favor of this.  Do we want this?


On Mon, 8 Jan 2024, Autonomous wrote:

> Does anybody know the specific "racist comments" that allegedly were made
> by Jake? Is there any possibility that Jake didn't actually make these
> alleged "racist comments" ?
> On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 5:18 PM Jake via sudo-discuss <
> sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org> wrote:
>> did sudoroom vote for this?  what are the accusations?  why was i not
>> notified
>> i was on trial?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:04:41 +0000
>> From: maydayjt@riseup.net
>> To: jake@spaz.org
>> Cc: Paige P <pgeplan@gmail.com>, Jamal Taylor <lemmeeducateyou@gmail.com>,
>>      Yardenack <yardenack@gmail.com>
>> Subject: Temporary Ban from Omni Commons
>> Jake,
>> Yesterday's Omni Commons delegates accountability meeting voted to
>> temporarily ban you from all communications and access to Omni Commons
>> for a 3 month period (effective until March 7, 2024).
>> This decision was made given a history of harm, including
>> conflict-escalating behavior, disrespect, racist comments, and a lack of
>> accountability. Your behavior has been unacceptable, and mediation
>> sessions with you have been ineffective.
>> If you choose to participate in an accountability process until
>> resolution, we will welcome you back to the space after the 3 month time
>> period. We will follow up with you on this process.
>> In the meantime, we offer you space to sit with yourself, and
>> self-reflect on harm done. We hope you come back with a commitment to
>> listen deeply and learn from complaints made rather than acting
>> defensively.
>> We appreciate all the work you have done here and hope you do the work
>> required to be a part of this community.
>> To schedule a time to collect belongings, or if you have further
>> questions you may contact Jamal.
>> John Torok
>> Liberated Lens Film Collective delegate
>> On Behalf of the Omni Commons Delegates Assembly
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