  • 51 discussions

Webrecorder Developer -- Web Archiving and Digital Preservation Job (Full-Time)
by Ilya Kreymer
8 years, 4 months

Maplight hiring - multiple positions
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 4 months

Openings at Commons Machinery
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 6 months

Eminence Credential: Teach without getting a B.A./B.S.
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 6 months

Hack the Network Jobs List
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 6 months

Fwd: Hiring Manufacturing Technician (will train right people) in SF
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 6 months

infosec job for activist nonprofit in India
by Candace Lazarou
8 years, 6 months

[job] Chief Information Officer, City of Oakland
by Vicky Knox
8 years, 7 months

Fwd: CSS Developer POSITION
by VickykciV
8 years, 8 months
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