I ran the error through ChatGPT, output:

Analysis of Error in Job `update_and_clean_index` for `hyperkitty`:

Error Details:

- Job: `update_and_clean_index`  

- Application: `hyperkitty`  

- Error: `flufl.lock._lockfile.NotLockedError: Already unlocked`  

- Description: The error occurs because the lock mechanism attempts to unlock a resource that is already unlocked. This may happen if there is an attempt to unlock twice or if the lock was never properly acquired in the first place.


Possible Causes:

1. Concurrency Issues:  

   Multiple instances of the job might be running simultaneously, causing one instance to attempt to unlock a resource already unlocked by another instance.

2. Improper Lock Handling:  

   The code may not be managing the lock state correctly. For example, an exception between acquiring and releasing the lock might leave the lock state inconsistent.

3. Race Conditions:  

   A race condition could be causing the lock state to change unexpectedly by another process or thread.

4. File System Issues:  

   If the lock file is stored on a network file system (like NFS), synchronization or latency issues might cause the lock state to be reported incorrectly.


Suggested Actions:

1. Review Job Scheduling and Concurrency Controls:  

   Ensure that multiple instances of the job are not running concurrently. Use a locking mechanism that guarantees exclusive access.

2. Improve Lock Handling in Code:  

   Ensure the code correctly handles exceptions and edge cases around acquiring and releasing locks. Use a `try...finally` block or context manager (`with` statement) to ensure that locks are always properly released.

3. Check Lock File Location and File System:  

   Ensure that the lock file is located on a file system that supports proper locking semantics (avoid network file systems like NFS if possible).

4. Enable Detailed Logging:  

   Add more detailed logging around the locking mechanism to better understand when and why the lock state is changing.

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 11:02 AM Cron Daemon via sudo-sys <sudo-sys@sudoroom.org> wrote:
ERROR OCCURED IN JOB: update_and_clean_index (APP: hyperkitty)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/django_extensions/management/commands/runjobs.py", line 40, in runjobs
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hyperkitty/jobs/update_and_clean_index.py", line 37, in execute
    run_with_lock(update_index, remove=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hyperkitty/lib/utils.py", line 181, in run_with_lock
    log.exception("Failed to update the fulltext index: %s", e)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/flufl/lock/_lockfile.py", line 447, in __exit__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/flufl/lock/_lockfile.py", line 398, in unlock
    raise NotLockedError('Already unlocked')
flufl.lock._lockfile.NotLockedError: Already unlocked
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