Artillery Sidewinder X2

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Revision as of 20:26, 9 September 2024 by Haltwise (talk | contribs) (Bed leveling tip)
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The printer is currently working! (Sep 8th 2024)

Printing Tips

  • This printer works great with PLA filament. It should be 1.75mm diameter. If you find a spool that has both of those on the label, very likely to work. As of 9/2024 there is a small blue spool floating around that definitely works.
  • Small spools can hang off the clamp stuck on top the right support. 1KG and larger spools feed better from the built-in holder center-top, but you may need to adjust it to the correct width for the spool. The hex key needed to adjust the bracket should be in the "Tools" drawer next to the printer.
  • The stock PrusaSlicer profiles for the Artillery X1 w/ Generic PLA seem to work pretty well. The Generic PETG profiles DO NOT work great with this printer; good PETG prints will require a lot of fiddling.


  • X2 Manual -- note this may be an X1 not an X2. Couldn't find a currently working link to X1 manual.
  • Bed leveling procedure
    • Leveling with the bed at print temperature will be more accurate; heating the extruder may help too, but not to full print temp because then it will drool and stick to the paper.
    • You can test the leveling with this file: File:Bed level.stl.
    • That's generated using this parametric design.

Maintenance Log


Sep 3rd (Chris W)

Did a bed leveling and getting MUCH better first-layer adhesion now. Results are still a little weird on my actual prints in the front-right corner, IDK what's up with that but problem seems mostly cosmetic now.

Sep 1st (Chris W)

Had a print come loose from the bed several layers in, made a big mess and got some crap wrapped around the X axis driver. Once I got it cleaned out, it was clear it had screwed up the belt tension. I was able to retension the belt and it seems file now, though; a printed square peg still fits into a square hole both ways with the same tolerance as before. But if there are future X-calibration issues, might be the belt is damaged and needs replacing. I left the allen wrench I found for the tension adjustment in the tool drawer.


Jake bought a new nozzle kit for it and it's been installed by Tim and is working great.

the new nozzle kit was "3D Printer Hotend Silicone Sleeve Repair Kit for Artillery Sidewinder X1" $12.99 from bargainsofmaine (51,200) 99.9%