
Joined 20 September 2012
2 bytes removed ,  23:06, 5 April 2017
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| my projects = [[Image:Omni_logo_bw.png|75px|left]]
| my projects = [[Image:Omni_logo_bw.png|75px|left]]
[https://omnicommons.org Omni Commons] - A community-owned and collectively-operated space for radical art, tech, and social justice organizing in Oakland, CA.
[https://omnicommons.org Omni Commons] - A community-owned and collectively-operated space for radical art, tech, and social justice organizing in Oakland, CA.
[https://sudomesh.org sudo mesh] - Building a decentralized, libre wireless network in the East Bay!
[https://sudomesh.org sudo mesh] - Building a decentralized, libre wireless network in the East Bay!
