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Latest revision as of 22:48, 6 February 2018

Peoples Open Meeting - Jan 30, 2018

meeting roles

  • facilitator - blake
  • notetaker(s) - grant
  • stacktaker - mai


your name, why you are here, and your favorite cartoon

  • blake - comes to these meeting because he wants to learn more about the internet and security
  • grant - the internet is dying, futurama

- lesley - comes to these meeting because interested in how the internet works and there are a lot of ways it could be better, pandora and the crimson shell

  • robb - is here because he like to see free internet for everybody, ren and stimpty
  • tom - here because he wants to work on mesh infastructure, bugs bunny
  • mai - here because believes the current internet is dying and was fundementally broken to begin with, totoro
  • benny - wants to help out again felix the cat
  • dan - here to learn more about mesh networks make the internet better and faster for everyone, south parl
  • robert - wants to learn more about mesh
  • jonathan - got laid off recetnly swants to put his time to good use, wants to learn how to use mesh to connect rural communities, archer
  • scott - interested in anythin dealing with electro magnatism, rick and morty
  • jeff - thinks internet access should be free, flinstones
  • jorrit - here because he wants to build his own internet, duckman
  • remote-jenny - to mesh the planet! currently steven universe ^_^
  • juul - here because mesh, also steven universe

previous action items

  • check on backups for etherpad - sierk
    • grant - believe sierk checked on this and it is doing back ups
  • ping tracy about press list - jenny - pinged 1/29 & received 1/30 - uploaded to gdrive sudomesh -> communications -> press list spreadsheet - about 1,350 local media press contacts who write about media justice :D
    • mai - we don't want to reach out to them unless we have a press release
    • jorrit - this action item can be closed
  • pick up some red lanyards for filming opt-out folks - jenny - failed, srry :/ stayed up 2 late printer-wrangling
    • blake - closed
  • put open issue triage https://github.com/sudomesh/bugs on meeting agenda - jorrit
    • jorritt - we have bugs open related to firmware and nodes outages, etc. one specific one brought up by Daniel related to syslogging. Rather than talking about that, would like to talk about doing a bug review at meetings
    • blake - thought we wanted to discuss reorganizing meetings and take care of that in separate, technical sudomesh meetings
    • jorrit - splitting off will make it difficult for technical problems to be explained to everyone
    • blake - disagrees, does not think we should do bug reviews every week
    • jorrit - disagrees
    • blake - suggestes discussing reorganization of meetings in the agenda
    • mai - seconds blake's suggestion, but agrees with jorrit that reviewing bugs is important
      • jnny - might suggest briefly touching on node mounts, comms/outreach, github issues/feature updates, events/workshops, finance/fundraising briefly at each meeting then breaking out mebbe. can stick this in agenda discussion item if you make one.
    • jorrit - maybe one person could summarize the top 3 bugs on github
    • grant - suggests that jorrit should take the lead for next week
    • jorrit - can do a test run right now, add to agenda after updates.
    • back-and-forth discussion how to present bugs and organize meetings
    • robb - could be brief part of updates
  • nycmesh meet-up summary / possible inspiration for community support - jehan in absentia
    • postpone to next week


  • jorrit - next byoi? date?
    • mai - should we wait until we have built some more stuff, or we
    • blake - can we pick a date to pick a date
    • grant - maybe we could have a breakout group review of the previous workshop
    • mai - we haven't done a debrief of the previous workshop, maybe we would want to have a workshop next month
    • back-and-forth (analysis paralysis according to jorrit)
    • blake blocks jorrit's proposal
submit a proposal for HOPE conference
* marc already submitted a proposal for something

node mounts

see https://peoplesopen.net/sundays

  • chrisJ has an open sunday this sunday the 4th - just needs firmware flashing. great view up in the Kensington hills. old school sudomesher.
  • should start planning our internet archive tower mount and order gear
    • who is organizing with chrisJ
    • grant - what's the state of the Internet archive install
    • marc - we'll need to sync with internet archive people and peef, get them to give us access
    • back-and-forth organizing node mounts
  • jonah just awaiting our word on when we're ready. there is another tower with better south-facing LOS at 380 Carlson Blvd if we think that might be a more optimal location (or both, they just don't have extensive resources so may take some weeks to coordinate a date)

breakout groups

  • reorganize PON meetings - mai, blake, robb, grant, marc
  • new people breakout - jorrit

action items

  • document sudopad setup and backups - grant
  • proposal for reorganize meetings
  • node mount teaching session Sunday at 1pm - grant, jorrit
  • byoi debrief