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Latest revision as of 07:25, 26 March 2018
People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 20 March 2018 7:30pm-9pm
- Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
- Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
- Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
- Next Sunday (5 mins)
- Proposal X: (15 mins)
- Discussion/Proposal: Interview Blog Posts (10 mins)
- Discussion: Legal Relationship w/ Omni (10 mins)
- Discussion Minimal Insurance for Protecting Mounters + SudoMesh (15 mins)
- Action Items (5 mins)
- Breakout Groups
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
- Icebreaker question: What do you like to do on rainy days?
- Will - I run a node live in the neighborhood, interested in node mounts. On this rainy day, I figured out how to port forward on my router.
- Hilary - Occasionally come to meetings, not very often recently. Made a post about the open data hackathon at san francisco state. Jenny recommended coming to the meeting. On rainy days I like to binge-watch movies.
- Jorrit - Trying to figure out how to get more people up to speed on how to operate the network. Two things I like about rain: 1) walking in th rain--makes you feel warm even though you're wet. 2) looking outside from inside, appreciate roof.
- Doug - I also run a node. Have mechanical skills--here cause seems like those skills would be a good contribution to the group. If I have my druthers, I sit with the bees and read.
- Seth - Want to learn how to set up an internet so if I get priced. Took my first shower in the rain this year.
- Benny - Have been working on technical bits--want to start working on less technical bits. I also like to read when it's raining.
- Jenny - On rainy days I like to work on making spreadsheets.
- Robb - On rainy days I like to rest.
- Leslie - Rainy days are nice when you're in bed, otherwise not so much.
- Jenny - building lots of tiny houses for the homeless every saturday and sunday. get in touch w/ me after if interested.
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s: Will
- Stacktaker:
- Notetaker/s: Benny, Jenny
- URL of this pad: https://peoplesopen.net/notes
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
Check in on previous action items
Check previous meeting minutes at https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/Minutes and past action items below:
- send a reminder to Amos & Co. - grant
- done, see notes below
- work-on/submit AMC proposal, due March 16 - grant, mai, jnny
- make a plan for sunday w/ folks from Alameda--let's chat in rocketchat / make a lesson plan here: https://peoplesopen.net/pad/p/sunday-lesson-plan - added to trello (events)
- announce on sudomesh group re: changing the name to "Sudomesh URGENT" and making sure almost all of the communications goes on Rocket.chat (mai) - done!
- look at the Rocket.chat channels that need more privacy than others, such as node mounts (ben, benny) We'll report back next week regarding what access control might be necessary on which channels, at which time we can discuss how access will be facilitated.
- separate out feed channels from discussion channels
- buy outlet cover for diane's - jenny
- going to purchase en route to diane's this weekend
- doug: we should stock up on some outdoor enclosures and outlet covers etc. i'll make a list
- Will: J-poles? If you don't have a plumbing vent on roof, can use j-pole to attach to awning
- 2017 financial statements - jenny
- almost done, worked on it most of the day, should be ready by end of the bank
- working to prove that we have income / spending in order to get insurance
- finish biz plan & budget & send to insurance broker [jnny]
- just need to create financial reports - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H8x3JnbGEkoeE3CwMzrCC0MD1tIAhb6O8JjLsiC51xw/edit#
Priority bugs we need help with are located at: http://peoplesopen.net/helpwanted - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/r9l5ouQ4/3b2eecd83bb9e7a57a339cf1ee038288/sudo-mesh-github-repos
- the disable logging bug has been done, yes? A conversation on github with grant and jorrit made that seem to be the case
- benny: fix found, patch not finished
- define remote node patch procedure
- jorrit: first need to do it locally. did it for bug #8 and documented thoroughly in the readme: https://github.com/sudomesh/patches/tree/master/bug0008
- benny: can do a breakout after. grant has a guide for writing patches: https://github.com/sudomesh/patches
- jorrit: first need to do it locally. did it for bug #8 and documented thoroughly in the readme: https://github.com/sudomesh/patches/tree/master/bug0008
- new exit node at hurricane electric
- jorrit set up new exit node. Currently several nodes connected to it
- need to patch home node to make htis happen because it needs a newer version of tunneldigger
- jorrit: also new firmware with new version of tunneldigger
- jorrit set up new exit node. Currently several nodes connected to it
- Jorrit: we need more diskspace - last build was over 1 gig
- Benny: more RAM would be nice too
- will: wrap up psychz account
- Benny: more RAM would be nice too
- upgrade tunneldigger broker/client
- who owns what?
- jorrit - would like to know who owns what servers. e.g. who owns the HE server? who owns the psychz server?
- jenny - HE will be so much better to negotiate DMCA notices w/ since we can talk to people face to face
- jorrit - am excited about all the activity. would be great if someone would organize the next node-whisper session.
- jorrit - would like to know who owns what servers. e.g. who owns the HE server? who owns the psychz server?
- rocket chat updated
- ty benny! <3
Node Mounts & Outreach
Node Mounts Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/DtzngKaM/49e1c21fc9da199fcdeceb8623b5117a/node-mounts
Discussion: Minimal Insurance for Protecting Mounters + SudoMesh (15 mins)
- To be lead by Doug
- Mght want to discourage or disallow first-timers to climb rooftops?
- Owners vs. renters
- Doug - workers comp for roofers is huge. might want to be a little more formal about people who are going on roofs. enthusiasm is how things get done and how people over-reach. i felt fine when people were at my place because i set up the ladder, etc. i think it would make sense to have some minimal protection for the non-profit and for the person on the roof for any accidents that happen. homeowners + rentals are different scenarios. also have some more ladder training, because falls are such a real danger.
- Jorrit - we have a node mounter's guide, maybe you can contribute?
- doug - yes--it's great that you have a guide. even having a guide is a great step toward protecting people and your organizaiton
- adding it to the prep/training talk, for instance
- will/benny - maybe should do ladder trainings before *every* mount (in addition to an office hours or monthly safety training)
- jenny - we also need safety equipment - hard hats, harnesses
- lesley: i have a harness, but not the rope and belay device.
- doug: yes, exactly, rock climbing equipment is essentially the same
- Will: There's a nonprofit in Richmond that trains people to install solar panels: https://solarrichmond.org
- Will: Also one in Oakland: https://gridalternatives.org
- Robb knows someone who trains Greenpeace people for actions that include climbing buildings
- lesley: i have a harness, but not the rope and belay device.
- jorrit: sounds like we want to organize an event - maybe an office hours on mounting safety & training
- doug: let's start with research - talk with orgs doing it in the field
Laptop Donation Interlude
- Will - I have a laptop to donate, no hard drive
- All - Yayyyyyy
Node Repair Interlude
- Jorrit - if you know someone with a broken node, tell them to bring it in to get it fixed! sometime i want to organize a node appreciation day--put rhinestones on nodes, make them your own, etc.
Communications & Events
Comms Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/f3ugMPNU/94033ee6c2cef93fc1b1637b727c902a/sudo-mesh-communications // Events Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/Y3XfDK85/2b6fcb4fa92788609692a53a96fb4614/peoples-open-events
- hilary - (passes out one-laptop-per-child) OLPCs - Open Hack 2018 at SF State University last weekend in April 27-29
- Professor Sameer Verma at SFSU - Jenny and Marc presented Sudomesh to his class on Networking several years ago
- going to piggy back off of openhackathon -- open education part -- want to create a library for OLPCs to connect to for example. we need help with it. the OLPCs also mesh with each other even if there's no internet, but noone has been able to do it very successfully. two ways to be involved. (1) sponsor a project for someone else to work on or (2) work on a project that someone already has.
- starts on friday night - sponsors of projects will have posterboards around the room. can see what people are being asked to do. Next morning, people form teams to work on the projects. Sunday afternoon, present the solutions. not exclusively OLPC projects, but Hilary will be there with OLPC projects for people to work on.
- learned at a tech teacher conference that 5 million families in the US do not have internet access at home. encourage the folks at peoples open to think about and focus on bringing internet access to those families w/o internet in oakland and the bay area.
- jorrit - would like to figure out how to connect to communities that do not have internet access
- a workshop before, or a workshop after?
- hilary: probably churches would be a good way to connect
- jenny: lots of great orgs in that area where hilary had a church lead (Fruitvale) - native health center, sol/lol, eastside arts alliance
- a workshop before, or a workshop after?
- hilary - even if it's not a specific action, would be good to have a consciousness in mind, so that when we have choices, we choose wisely
- jorrit - wondering about next steps/who can move in this direction w/ action
Internal Logistics / Finance
Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello: https://trello.com/invite/b/LzVQlW3X/1bb8bd543c8633688175365d2554c2c2/internal-logistics-bureaucracy-brainstorms
- Jenny working on Chart of Accounts & a Fiscal Procedures doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PeFoJUe4X3ww4mFKUMvbC4A-Yc_6sh5qbYdEgTdJpYQ/edit#
- No War Tax grant application due Friday
Next Sunday
Node Mount
We try to arrange a rooftop node mount every Sunday afternoon. Ongoing spreadsheet is located at: https://peoplesopen.net/sundays
- Next Sunday's mount: James, scheduled by Grant - see Trello
Office Hours
We host office hours every Sunday from 1-3pm in Sudo Room. To sign up for a shift, fill in your name here: https://ethercalc.org/byoi_office_hours
- Next Sunday's volunteer: TODO
- Notes from this past Sunday's session:
- lesley: bunch of folks came over on Sunday for office hours from Alameda Open Network(?)
- jorrit: trying to set up a mesh in Alameda, emphasis on community organizing.
- did some reenactments of packet communication with physical paper packets :)
- lesley: wanted us to do a bit more physically mounting nodes than we were able to commit to,
- jorrit: amos had lots of interesting ideas re: communication. most people interested just in 'free internet' - sharing with your neighbor sounds nice, but you don't really want to do it. the meshing is a technicality, explain as a way to get free internet
- followup? jorrit: be patient. we don't have mad extra bandwidth to do anything for them.
Action Items
- Need coordinator for next Sunday office hours!
- Finish the "hey, awesome, you have a node now!" messaging (Benny)
- Add cash mesh donations to accounting (peoplesopen.net/donation) - Jenny
- Make generic list of hardware to stock up for outdoor mounts - Doug
- Reach out to needabee & praveen re: fruitvale mesh - jenny
- coordinate w/ Doug about planning a mounting safety training - jorrit
- send email to mesh list about omni legal structure - jnny
Breakout Groups
At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.
- Inventory/Storage? - jenny
- rocket chat channels - benny & jenny -> move convo to rocket chat
- patches? - benny
Last Meeting Notes
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://sudoroom.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Mesh/Mesh_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous meeting notes are archived here: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/Minutes