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(Created page with "= Attendees = Icebreaker question: _______ ? * william: answer * aaron: * interrupt * jake * paige * peter * telli = Agenda = original email: https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/thread/UOOBKT3NH3PTJDOFCHIGOKVMOLERXGPR/ == Agenda item 1 == * telli - working off free store. like paige said, during day, something people need and want. directly impacting community. good to have something consistent during day. benefits community and e...")
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= Attendees =
= Attendees =

Icebreaker question: _______ ?
* william
* aaron  
* william: answer
* aaron:
* interrupt
* interrupt
* jake
* jake
* paige
* paige
* peter
* peter
* telli  
* telli
* alex

= Agenda =
= Agenda =
original email: https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/thread/UOOBKT3NH3PTJDOFCHIGOKVMOLERXGPR/
original email: https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/thread/UOOBKT3NH3PTJDOFCHIGOKVMOLERXGPR/

== Agenda item 1 ==
== dreams for the space ==
* william - does anyone have comments on email sent out, list i have presented here?
* paige - i like "direct support for oakland communities/families". Right now we get a lot of people in the door during free store. a lot of them interested in computers or repair, but no flyers or anything to give them. or people there in SR to show around. Its good because its during day, so its comfortable to walk in
* telli - working off free store. like paige said, during day, something people need and want. directly impacting community. good to have something consistent during day. benefits community and easy to get to
* telli - working off free store. like paige said, during day, something people need and want. directly impacting community. good to have something consistent during day. benefits community and easy to get to
* william - want everyone to imagine no cost restraints, no legal or financial constraints. what would be ideal hackerspace?
* william - I want everyone to imagine no cost restraints, no legal or financial constraints. what would be your ideal hackerspace?
** jake - more hosts. more people opening the space, welcoming people in.  
** jake - more hosts. more people opening the space, welcoming people in.  
** aaron - more money would be nice. everyone worry about. wish meetings werent about finances, and more about hardware topics
** aaron - more money would be nice. everyone worry about. wish meetings werent about finances, and more about hardware topics
** peter - not about space , but what space eng? in people. what are the things we want to do that both align with our existing capabilities and aspirational. seems like a lot of potential . wood behind the arrow. obviously potential, but its about marshalling that potential.  
** peter - not about space , but what space eng? in people. what are the things we want to do that both align with our existing capabilities and aspirational. seems like a lot of potential . wood behind the arrow. obviously potential, but its about marshalling that potential.  
** paige - emotional drama zaps most energy out of me. more projects, active membership, involvement from community, projects that are anti-capitalist and anti-racist which we say we are committed to.
** paige - emotional drama zaps most energy out of me. so no conflict, lots of people in the space during whole day, more projects that have lots of member involvement, i.e. sudo mesh, active membership, involvement from community, keep it anti-capitalist and anti-racist which we say we are committed to now
** telli - more organized and clean and cozy. i dont know how dedicated desktops are able to walk off, cool if. drinks stocked in vending machines.  
** telli - more organized and clean and cozy. i dont know how dedicated desktops are able to walk off, cool if. drinks stocked in vending machines.  
** william - a level of comfort, VR/3D modeling headset, ability to build things that could be produced and given away in quick order, people able to come in and easily put together something they can walk away with. fill a need, displace something like Target. things you could take part in designing yourself.
** william - a level of comfort, VR/3D modeling headset, ability to build things that could be produced and given away in quick order, people able to come in and easily put together something they can walk away with. fill a need, displace something like Target. things you could take part in designing yourself.
** interrupt - sometimes good to have more people and sometimes less. one thing when people understand that if they commit to it, level of commitment and responsibility that makes a hackerspace awesome. each person has different ways that are committed and responsible, accountable to each other. social bonds really important. when people can commit to their own type of responsibility, that makes the place awesome.  
** interrupt - sometimes good to have more people and sometimes less. level of commitment and responsibility from peoples is what makes a hackerspace awesome. each person has different ways that are committed and responsible, accountable to each other. social bonds really important. when people can commit to their own type of responsibility, that makes the place awesome.  

== Agenda item 2 ==
== new projects we could work on ==
* william - projects to work towards improving people's lives around oakland. we can imagine what we feel like that looks like, and iterate on those concepts. if we have a couple or one initiative that is active, we can iterate on or move onto new projects and figure out what works. beneficial for us to begin these projects that are directly helpful. i think already a lot of people interested in this, do this in their projects and in their lives. how many projects can we work on at once, and what projects can pull people in and not just expend their energy. basically right now we have the laptop project, and fixit clinic. two distinct things. are there enough volunteers for more projects? or those refocused? are we at capacity?
* william - projects to work towards improving people's lives around oakland. we can imagine what we feel like that looks like, and iterate on those concepts. if we have a couple or one initiative that is active, we can iterate on or move onto new projects and figure out what works. beneficial for us to begin these projects that are directly helpful. i think already a lot of people interested in this, do this in their projects and in their lives. how many projects can we work on at once, and what projects can pull people in and not just expend their energy. basically right now we have the laptop project, and fixit clinic. two distinct things. are there enough volunteers for more projects? or those refocused? are we at capacity?
* interrupt - best way to help communities is to provide jobs. most businesses run for profit, nice to see people aid and support.  
* interrupt - best way to help communities is to provide jobs. most businesses run for profit, nice to see people aid and support.  
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* peter - all for quick and dirty experiments, but dont have an understanding now of grand thesis.
* peter - all for quick and dirty experiments, but dont have an understanding now of grand thesis.
* peter - ask for list of current projects
* peter - ask for list of current projects
* paige - ....
* paige - hw hacking, fixit clinic + chromebook/laptops, wnb night is both meetup/coworking/discussions + career prep, sudo mesh, was a saturday synth during day
* peter - also Tom's LUG on sundays.
* peter - if appearing to neighbors. what paige said, when free store comes, people just wander in. could we put in some effort to welcome those people into sudo room. very us vs them thing with the neighbors, would really like them to feel like this is their space too.  
* peter - if appearing to neighbors. what paige said, when free store comes, people just wander in. could we put in some effort to welcome those people into sudo room. very us vs them thing with the neighbors, would really like them to feel like this is their space too.  
* william - mutual aid projects, not just connected to want to repair. we arent set up for this, but delivering foods to people in community. but starting this. FNB.  
* william - mutual aid projects, not just connected to want to repair. we arent set up for this, but delivering foods to people in community. but starting this. FNB.  
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* william - with non technical ideas i had. repair clinic, july told me last night that they would like to expand into east oakland, and i know peter you have been moving fixit clinics around, and july said expanding into east oakland would be a logical step.  
* william - with non technical ideas i had. repair clinic, july told me last night that they would like to expand into east oakland, and i know peter you have been moving fixit clinics around, and july said expanding into east oakland would be a logical step.  
* peter - we cant do it with membership we have now. we are not set up to do it yet. i think we need to be clear, there is a lot of stuff inside our house that needs to be addressed. awesome that july wants to do that outreach  
* peter - we cant do it with membership we have now. we are not set up to do it yet. i think we need to be clear, there is a lot of stuff inside our house that needs to be addressed. awesome that july wants to do that outreach  
* paige - play to our strengths.  
* paige - i think we should just play to our strengths. if lots of people here interested in cybersecurity, they should run those programs here. there were lots of reminders about wood st resource party to omni, but no one responded from SR.
* william - cell phone access. repairing screens  
* william - would like to help with more cell phone access. repairing screens could  be something we provide
* paige - screens expensive, and specific to device, not universal. hard to support here unless the person coming in orders the parts.
* peter - people who really depend on that phone to work cant depend on sudo room. those things are becoming hard to fix. apple parts are now cryptographically serialized to particular device. i will say that revel toaster oven, costs $400. but appliances, can provide that. we dont have space for that. i want to launch that at some middle school. ben and kimberly starting paid repair company, so thats a workforce development happening right now. right to repair goes into effect july 1.
* peter - people who really depend on that phone to work cant depend on sudo room. those things are becoming hard to fix. apple parts are now cryptographically serialized to particular device. i will say that revel toaster oven, costs $400. but appliances, can provide that. we dont have space for that. i want to launch that at some middle school. ben and kimberly starting paid repair company, so thats a workforce development happening right now. right to repair goes into effect july 1.
* interrupter - that gets to core of SR. empowering people in a certain way. not  giving a laptop. i think theres a role for the host, theres this amount of accountability. up for us to fill those roles. could be feng she issue. like how you focus. how to unlock seemingly closed doors.  
* interrupter - that gets to core of SR. empowering people in a certain way. not  giving a laptop. i think theres a role for the host, theres this amount of accountability. up for us to fill those roles. could be feng she issue. like how you focus. how to unlock seemingly closed doors.  
* paige - questions about cleaning
* paige - questions about cleaning. needs to be culture change, please everyone try to encourage others to  be proactive and clean + organize
* peter - beauty and order committee. how do we support that group who try to keep space clean, counteract the entropy. on other hand concerned that some level of entropy is a core value of this space. or if building management will support us going forward. how will the changes in the space necessitated by professional management. all of us who have aspirations to have neat and tidy house, but its a mess. is that a reflection of ourselves or could we change that
* peter - beauty and order committee. how do we support that group who try to keep space clean, counteract the entropy. on other hand concerned that some level of entropy is a core value of this space. or if building management will support us going forward. how will the changes in the space necessitated by professional management. all of us who have aspirations to have neat and tidy house, but its a mess. is that a reflection of ourselves or could we change that
* william - ive been to noisebridge, but feels much more warm and comfortable than ive ever felt here
* william - ive been to noisebridge, but feels much more warm and comfortable than ive ever felt here
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* paige - this culture of cleaning keeping clear for next person, encouraging others to put things away
* paige - this culture of cleaning keeping clear for next person, encouraging others to put things away
* peter - begs a bigger question, what is the implicit social contract that we have with one another in this space? i had an idea that maybe contigent with membership, is required volunteer hours. member of cal sailing club
* peter - begs a bigger question, what is the implicit social contract that we have with one another in this space? i had an idea that maybe contigent with membership, is required volunteer hours. member of cal sailing club
* paige - something philip bell has said, more people, will always be who do more work than others,
* paige - something philip bell has said, having lots of people involved is really important, because yea some people dont do anything but if you got a lot of people who do help, its not so much work
* peter - people know, if more people in, defintely will be free loaders, but people will also do work for respect and admiration for their friend group
* peter - people know this, if more people in, defintely will be free loaders, but people will also do work for respect and admiration for their friend group
* jake - some of biggest funders are older people who dont come into the space at all.  
* jake - some of biggest funders are older people who dont come into the space at all.  
* peter - no, rethinking what it means to be a member of the space.
* peter - no, rethinking what it means to be a member of the space.
* interrupter - how do we get some sort of commitment, could be money, maintenance. feels like there is room for improvement.  
* interrupter - how do we get some sort of commitment, could be money, maintenance. feels like there is room for improvement.  
* peter - right now scarity mindset in money and time.  
* peter - right now scarity mindset in money and time.  
* interrupter - some people cant do some  
* interrupter - some people cant do some of the tasks and thats ok
* jake - if
* paige - people see space and think people dont care. past WNB host would be frustrated with table clutter and do weekly clean of it. another thing is in winter it gets cold, so that plus clutter/lack of cleaning make it not a place a lot of people feel welcome to just sit around as 3rd space.
* paige - people see space and think people dont care. one thing is in winter it gets cold
* peter - another example, someone came from grant group, nobody welcomed them. i gave heads up they were coming to the mailing lest
* peter - example, someone came from grant group, nobody welcomed them. i gave heads up they were coming
** alex - did this person come on a tuesday?
* jake - could we have sign up sheet for people to be present?
** peter - older woman, entered, hope someone wouldve welcomed in
* peter - membership waived?  
** alex - agree, for any event, host job to welcome people in the space
* jake - right now membership minimum is $10, and if seems to be burden for someone, i just give them access. but maybe if making comitment was only one day out.
** jake - could we have sign up sheet for people to be present?
* alex - did this person come on a tuesday?
** peter - could we make membership waived for people who post their open hours/host space?
* peter - older woman, entered, hope someone wouldve welcomed in
** jake - i dont think that is needed, because right now membership minimum is $10, and if seems to be burden for someone, i just give them access. but maybe if making commitment was only one day out you would get volunteers to do this
* alex - agree, for any event, host job to welcome people in the space
* jake - in 2016 sent out email, maybe wasnt me, did thread on warm place to hack. myself and lot of people have advanced in wisdom since then. could make use of upstairs space, of trading mesh group, space under stairs. would love to help make nice cozy spaces. but also cleanliness things, like paige said discouraging for people needing to clean up space when not making mess, maybe do some sign up. if people dont feel like lifting a finger, they could just write up things needed to be done
* jake - in 2016 sent out email, maybe wasnt me, did thread on warm place to hack. myself and lot of people have advanced in wisdom since then. could make use of upstairs space, of trading mesh group, space under stairs. would love to help make nice cozy spaces. but also cleanliness things, like paige said discouraging for people needing to clean up space when not making mess, maybe do some sign up. if people dont feel like lifting a finger, they could just write up things needed to be done
* peter - but also could just make into social contract, like what kent does, asking people to clean up
* peter - but also could just make into social contract, like what kent does, asking people to clean up
* interrupter - space pad.
* interrupter - space pad
* telli - do we already have a chore chart? noisebridge had something like that, maybe a decade ago they had "trash night" or "cleaning". maybe youre talking of a chore chart.  
* telli - do we already have a chore chart? noisebridge had something like that, maybe a decade ago they had "trash night" or "cleaning". maybe youre talking of a chore chart.  
* paige - have you attended those? really dont want it to be
* paige - have you attended those? low attendance from similar cleaning focused scheduled days here.
* william - want projects to feel good for how im contributing. like robotic arm, unless its presentational or active project, we should get rid of it. make space for more of a computer lab.  
* william - want projects to feel good for how im contributing. like robotic arm, unless its presentational or active project, we should get rid of it. make space for more of a computer lab.  
* paige -
* telli - need for efforts to make the space more inviting.  
* telli - efforts to make more inviting.  
* jake - 3 Jan 2016  
* jake - 3 Jan 2016 https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/message/ECINHMNZWVPXT47NZMUPLZFZW7IGXY2D/
** https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/message/ECINHMNZWVPXT47NZMUPLZFZW7IGXY2D/
** "we are all starving for a warm place to hack, and sudoroom attendance is reduced for obvious reasons.  what we need is a warm room to hack, and i propose the following:..."
"we are all starving for a warm place to hack, and sudoroom attendance is reduced for obvious reasons.  what we need is a warm room to hack, and i propose the following:..."
* william - i am not very good at leading meetings. if somebody is really interested in starting a project with sudo room, then we could follow a process and explicit document on how you should write proposals. then write proposals and have people vote on them, specifically can put past grant writers. try to think about certain things in this proposal. timeline for project, and then evaluate at the end. what im presenting here, first part should be research. if youre trying to serve certain peoples needs, you should try to research those peoples needs and how served in past. think how you can involve those you want to serve in your solution. put how often you will work on that, track those goals. then ensure those helped become more independent. great if more interactive, when youre proposing something, have a democratic process, to have people get involved.
* william - i am not very good at leading meetings. if somebody is really interested in starting a project with sudo room, then we could follow a process and explicit document on how you should write proposals. then write proposals and have people vote on them, specifically can put past grant writers. try to think about certain things in this proposal. timeline for project, and then evaluate at the end. what im presenting here, first part should be research. if youre trying to serve certain peoples needs, you should try to research those peoples needs and how served in past. think how you can involve those you want to serve in your solution. put how often you will work on that, track those goals. then ensure those helped become more independent. great if more interactive, when youre proposing something, have a democratic process, to have people get involved.
* interrupter - your proposing a process. what i think is more important honestly, than creating rule, is have simple thing. just create a template for a proposal and social thing. rule thing has always been a contentious thing at sudo. if you create template, people can use it.  
* interrupter - your proposing a process. what i think is more important honestly, than creating rule, is have simple thing. just create a template for a proposal and social thing. rule thing has always been a contentious thing at sudo. if you create template, people can use it.  
