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Welcome to the Hacking Sexual Health portal!


Hacking Menstruation: Making Cloth Pads Out of Recycled Clothing

Saturday, May 4th, 2013: 2p-??

  • As Aunt Flo always said, "cloth pads make the Earth happy and don't bust your pocket book!" This workshop is intended for people who menstruate and for people who have friends who menstruate (and want to make them lovely presents!). We will go over a dizzying array of cool lady products beyond the cloth pad, and have fun cost-comparisons of different options.
  • A special educational interlude will be performed by Craig, who will be discussing the Phage Therapy he is developing to do away with antibiotic-resistent gonorrhea!

Ideas and Leads for Future Events

Masturbation Liberation

Teledildonics and DIY Sex Tech

Fascinating Friday Films

Let's include in this weekly event mind-expanding movies on the realm of sex and sexuality.

  • Movies

Interactive Pheromone Station

Based off the old Exploratorium installation titled "The Olfaction of Attraction", explorers had access to little squeeze bottles with human pheromones in them. Depending on one's genes and gender, one may find the smell either repulsive or attractive. It's fantastic seeing two people, one with a look of disgust and the other with a pleased smile, trying to reconcile their different perceptions.

"Quantified Sex" Experiments

Heart rate monitors, skin flushing, eeg, etc.


Community Infrastructure

How do we make the hackerspace a more inclusive space for people of all intersections of human sexuality?

  • Let's create a sexual health box, including menstrual and safe sex products and information. Thinking in terms of the analog world and how people interact within it is really important!


  • Slashdong: Kyle Machulis is a whip-smart brash software engineer who, on the side, blogs about teleldildonics (using haptic and telecommunications technology to facilitate long-distance sex), DIY sex toys, and other mash-ups of sex and tech. He's really fun.
  • The Archaeology of Vice. Kari Jones and Liz Clevinger work in the archaeology programs at the Presidio of San Francisco. Among the things unearthed? Well, the archeological record suggests that, shockingly, soldiers stationed there liked sex, based on the wide range of vintage porn, prophylactics, and medically-dubious STD cures dug up in the Presidio."

And always remember...

The Clitoris is a direct line to the Matrix.