Difference between revisions of "ComicsAndMore"

317 bytes removed ,  08:27, 5 May 2013
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* Spending the first 20 minutes of the meeting talking about projects going on in other spaces and watching videos of established cartoonists.  
* Spending the first 20 minutes of the meeting talking about projects going on in other spaces and watching videos of established cartoonists.  
* The event getting hijacked from someone from a wealthy non profit who goes on and on for 20 minutes trying to get participants to sign up for $300 arduino classes.  
* The event getting hijacked from someone from a wealthy non profit who goes on and on for 20 minutes trying to get participants to sign up for $300 arduino classes.  
* Someone showing up and trying us to put all our stuff on a start-up's freemium creative drawing website. That is lame!
* Someone showing up and trying us to put all our stuff on a start-up's freemium creative drawing website / social networking start-up.
* Someone getting paid for an art supply company telling us to spend all our money there.
* Someone getting paid for an art supply company telling us to spend all our money there.
* Someone from the local government trying to get us involved in a local drama over pension payouts between the teachers / police / food workers' union. I have learned from bitter experience that this is ''never ever ever ever'' a good idea for someone at a hackerspace to get directly involved in this mess. Don't do it! Bad idea!
