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Just Delete Me – http://justdelete.me Just Delete Me is a Chrome browser extension as well as a website that helps you to delete your account from web services. Applicable Traces: Facebook Likes, Messages, Posts & Follows/Followers; G+ Posts, Google Calendar, Google Maps you've created, Google Groups; Tweet Posts, Twitter Lists. Sources of Trace: Facebook, Google, Twitter

Beef Taco – http://jmhobbs.github.com/beef-taco/ Beef Taco is a Mozilla Firefox add-on that sets permanent opt-out cookies to stop behavioral advertising for 100+ different advertising networks. Applicable Traces: All of your online behaviors exhibited through web browsing and comms. Sources of Trace: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, and many more.

ShareMeNot – http://sharemenot.cs.washington.edu/ ShareMeNot is a browser extension that allows you to prevent third-party buttons (such as Facebook's "Like" or Twitter's "tweet" button) embedded by sites across the internet from tracking you until you actually click on them. Applicable Traces: Facebook Likes; G+ Posts; Tweets Sources of Trace: Facebook, Google Services, Twitter

Image MetaData Stripper – http://codewelt.com/stripper Image MetaData Stripper is a tool that allows you to delete additional information, also called meta data, hidden in picture files such as date and location of where the picture was taken or which camera you used. Applicable Traces: Geolocation, photos Sources of Trace: Mobile phones and Windows or Mac Operating Systems

Better Privacy – http://nc.ddns.us/BetterPrivacy/BetterPrivacy.htm Better Privacy is a Firefox Addon that allows you to delete otherwise undeletable longterm cookies, also called LSO Flash Objects, or Super-Cookies. Applicable Traces: Facebook Wall Posts Sources of Trace: Facebook; Google Services

Please don't stalk me – http://www.pleasedontstalkme.com/ 'Please don't stalk me' is a Twitter app that let's you choose the location for each of your tweets even if you are somewhere else. Applicable Traces: Location Sources of Trace: Twitter

Adblock Plus – http://adblockplus.org/ Adblock Plus (ABP) is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome browsers that allows you to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being downloaded and displayed. Applicable Traces: Facebook Likes Sources of Trace: Facebook; Google Services

Click&Clean – http://www.hotcleaner.com/ Click&Clean is a Firefox extension, which helps you to clear your internet history and protect your privacy in 1-click without any prompts. Applicable Traces: Browser History NoScript – http://noscript.net/ The NoScript Firefox add-on blocks scripts from running in your browser which protects you from possibly malicious software on your device. Sources of Trace: Facebook; Google Services

Tor Browser Bundle – http://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en Tor is a tool that protects your internet communication against censorship and surveillance. It prevents others from learning what sites you visit and prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. It also enables you to access sites which are blocked. Applicable Traces: Application access logs; Device Name logs on router; Internet Service Access Logs; ISP services; Logs; My Google search results; Operating system registration; Operating system version number

HTTPS Everywhere – http://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/ HTTPS everywhere is a browser add-on that encrypts your browser communication with all websites that support https encryption Applicable Traces: Email Address; Credit Card Info; Contents of websites accessed and information sent to websites you visit

Web 2.0 Suicide Machine – http://suicidemachine.org/ The Web 2.0 Suicide Machine is a service that takes care of permanently signing you out of Twitter, Myspace and LinkedIn. Instead of deleting the accounts it changes your password and profile pictures, removes private content and friend relationships. Applicable Traces: Followers, Following, Tweets & Retweets Sources of Trace: Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn

Duck Duck Go – http://duckduckgo.com Duck Duck Go is a search engine that protects your privacy by not recording user information. Applicable Traces: Address; Browser History; Browser Identification; Computer ID number; Facebook Likes; Language; Location; Logs; My Google search results; Operating system version number

PhotoME – http://www.photome.de/home_en.htm PhotoME is a tool that allows you to display, edit and remove invisible additional information (metadata) of pictures and other image files. Applicable Traces: My photos

Technitium MAC Address Changer – http://www.technitium.com/tmac/index.html The MAC Address Changer helps you change the MAC address of your computer. The MAC address is a unique number, sometimes also called hardware address, that identifies your device in a network. Applicable Traces: Logs; MAC Address Sources of Trace: My computer

The Priv3 Firefox Extension – http://priv3.icsi.berkeley.edu/ The Priv3 Firefox extension stops social networking sites from tracking your online behaviour when you are logged in. Sources of Trace: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn