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(uploaded weekly meeting minutes)
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Revision as of 22:00, 21 May 2014

=Icebreaker= (5 mins) Icebreaker Q:: What would be the topic of the zine of your dreams?

  • Yar (the zine of my dreams), Rich, Unity (music community love), Sally (continental drift), Neal, Juan (procrast - exactly 10 blank pages), Vicky (choose-your-own-adventure inside a beehive collective drawing), jenny (TAZ's and PAZ's), Ed (worked on Processed World!), Daniel (good news, photos of police being prosecuted), Amy (Amy Saves the World)

=Announcements= (5 mins)

  • Sudo Mesh now meeting also on Tuesday evenings starting at 7:30 for those unable to make Thursday hacknights! (https://sudomesh.org )
  • Special guest at OaklandWiki on Thursday (7pm) focusing on mapping open educational spaces in the East Bay
  • Muse - supporting female professional musicians, looking for software developers - get in touch with Unity (unity.n@gmail.com)
  • Packet-Racket.com launches Friday - software designed to run on a mesh network for distributing open-license music performances - talk to Juan for more info
  • Omni meetings Thursdays 7pm in the common space
  • Unity would trade accupuncture therapy for web/social media help
  • Seeking donations for the HackPack project! - http://hackpack.me

=New Members= (5 mins)

  • Juan!

=Finances= (5 mins)

  • Current balance: $3,010.73 as of 5/20
  • -$260 structural inspection
  • Insurance bill: -$150 to David & Niki
    • sudo policy payment conf # 03E3717P1
  • Button supplies: supplies for 500 buttons for approx. $50
  • Stickers: 2000 stickers from PS print for $100 (current 50% off sale)

=Consensus Items= (30 mins, 10 mins per item)

Section 2.1 Qualifications for Membership


  • Successfully completing the process for becoming a member, below:

Section 2.1.0 Process for becoming a member

  1. Declaration of Intent to Join
    • To become a member, a person must submit a brief written or spoken "Declaration of Intent to Join" where they answer the following questions:
      • What is your (pseudo)nym and/or name?
      • Why do you want to be a member of sudo room?
      • What are you excited about learning at sudo room?
      • What are you excited about sharing with sudo room?
  2. Initial Pondering
    • It is only possible to become a member at the weekly sudo room meeting. Prospective members should attend if possible but can submit a written declaration if they are not able to attend in person.
    • At the sudo room weekly meeting, every prospective member must leave the room while the existing members have a chance to bring up any concerns or reasons why the prospective member(s) should not be allowed membership (referred to as the "Initial Pondering").
      • The intent is for it to be very easy for new members to join, so only very serious concerns should be brought up.
      • If any existing member objects to a prospective new member becoming a member, and this cannot be resolved through discussion, then the prospective member will not be allowed membership.
      • Unreasonable or frequent blocking of new members by an existing member is grounds for immediate termination of membership based on a 2/3 vote.
    • Upon completing the "Initial Pondering", such prospective members must be communicated to the sudo room mailing list within 24 hours, including their "Declaration of Intent to Join".
  3. Extended Pondering
    • After the Initial Pondering, if there are no objections, there will be one week for sudo room members to raise objections as to why the prospective member should not be allowed to join (referred to as the "Extended Pondering").
    • If there are no objections raised during the "Extended Pondering", the prospective member will become a member.
      • The intention is to provide sufficient time to ensure all concerns of those unable to attend the meeting may be heard.
    • The new member will be added to the membership list and given access to desired and relevant assets and services of sudo room.
    • No announcement of this change of status after the "Extended Pondering" is necessary.


  • Jordan would block a name change to sudo space


  • Concerns over a land trust limiting our power as a collective of collectives owning property

Omni Update

Action Items

  • research our tenants' rights regarding our deposit (Vicky + ...you?)has to be returned within 30 days after possession by landlord, but commercial leases can bargain away any right, so lease terms would supercede, if different.
  • Convene new member onboarding team: Jenny, Vicky, Juul, Daniel, Jordan
  • Organize layout brainstorming hackathon

Post Meeting Teamups

  • Work on new member proposal