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Citing massively increasing rents, Noisebridge and Sudo Room have annouced their intention consolidate the two physical spaces into one. While each hackerspace will maintain governmental autonomy, Sudo's current room will act as HQ for the both.
Citing massively increasing rents, Noisebridge and Sudo Room have annouced their intention consolidate the two physical spaces into one While each hackerspace will maintain governmental autonomy, Sudo's current room will act as HQ for the both. Preempting space complaints, an 11th hour dual-consensus procedure between the two bodies agreed to a time sharing deal (literally after an 11 hour meeting seeking dual consensus).
Henceforth Noisebridge will exists at the location on Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Sundays, while Sudo Room will receive custody on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Cumbersome common equipment will be allowed to remain in the joint-space, and large orange "DNH" stickers are heavily encouraged to prevent trolling.
In an discrete interview Mitch Altman was quoted as saying "Yeah, it's going to be a bit cramped, but let me tell you, I just came back from opening a Hackerspace in India, and we have a lot to learn from them." Sudo originator Matt Senate showed his disapproval after his block was shouted down at the long approval meeting, later saying "Part of why I always wanted sudo was to get away from 'that Noisebridge smell'. While I love my West-bay brethren, I think this is the right time for me to annouce my next big project, which is that I've accepted a position as 'Inclusion Evangelist' at Ace Monster Toys".
Yet overwhelmingly new 'Noisebridge UBer Sudoers' (or NUBS for short) welcomed the joint-venture. In interviews after the marathon merger details meeting, NUBS wishing to stay anonymous conceded "it's not so bad, it's still only 1.5 blocks from BART!"