Sudo room/room
Sudoroom is currently hosted at 2141 Broadway St., Oakland, CA (near the 19th St BART).
How do users access the space? At meetings and by individual arrangement for now.
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existing east bay hackerspaces
- There are a few hackerspaces in the East Bay, some tied to Maker Culture, but there are various virtual and software emphases. Existent spaces:
- Ace Monster Toys - cool hackerspace with lots of tools and infrastructure. Definitely friends in the East Bay!
- The Crucible
- Ponoko
- Tech Liminal (technology salon / coworking space; hosts Make:SF meetups) Tech Liminal and Sudo Room
- Who is NIMBY space?
- Who is The Holdout? (related to Occupy Oakland)
- 2313 San Pablo Big green building (tag: no set feature)
- Opportunity for "Collectives" to apply to share the space.
- Who is Blue Door Co-working Space?
- Hub SF and Hub Berkeley (coworking space for social/environmental enterprises)
- american steel