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Today I Learned - Comics, Arduinos, 3D Printing & More
- WHEN May 11th, Saturday, 2pm
- DURATION 2-3 hours. Even longer if you want.
- LOCATION sudo room
- PRICE $0
- NUTSHELL Old-fashioned comic book jam. We will take the end result and print it out as a relief using the 3D Printer.
Decoration of SudoRoom
By the end of the day we'd like to hang up some comics in the space to spruce it up.
Github art projects SudoRoom
Sharing is Caring. Please fork and add to the potpourri.
- Giant roll out scrolls of paper 20 feet long that we can draw a big comic on!
- Wacom Bamboo Tablet
- 3D Printer
- Roll out a big roll of paper
- People draw their characters interacting (1 or more characters per artist)
- We scan the drawing
- We fuse the scan onto a 3D Model using the customizable Lithopane onThingiverse -
- Print out the lithopane on the 3D Printer
- Warning - this might take a while (at least 20-30 minutes?)
This is a public service, community-driven event. Please do not come to this event to advertise your organization's $500 arduino class, persuade people to spend a lot of money at your for-profit or non-profit company's store, or to distract people from actually making stuff.