
Revision as of 14:05, 30 August 2013 by Thex (talk | contribs) (Added ASCII Banner)

the BAY AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL & sudo room

Cryptoparty flyer.


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Dear Friends :

Please join us for the culminating session of SUMMER SCHOOL 2013 at the BAY AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL (2141 Broadway) :

WHAT IS INFORMATION (co-presented with Sudo Room)

an all-day session on information, privacy, surveillance & resistance !

Here's the totally awesome schedule :

12-3pm: CRYPTOPARTY! Bring & secure your laptop/phone in a hands-on session!

Also, from 12-1pm: Free YOGA for those who don't need to cryptoparty, by the wonderful Lisa Light!


3pm Introduction / Emerging Technologies of Oppression and Liberation by David Keenan (Bay Area Public School)

3:15 "Understanding 'Big Data'" by Andrew Ahn (engineer)

3:30 WALKING INFOTOUR OF Oakland's NEW camera surveillance network / Domain Awareness Center by Becky Hurwitz, Emi Kane, Sarah Reilly, Salima Hamirani (security activists)

4:10 "Citizen Science: From Institutions to Community" by Craig Rouskey (SUDO GETit Project)

4:30 Creating a Network Commons: The Oakland Community Mesh Project by Marc Juul and Jenny Ryan (SUDO Room)

4:45 "Security Activism: What We Know Works, What We Know Doesn't, and What We Don't Know But Probably Should Know Better" by Danny O'Brien (Electronic Frontier Foundation/EFF)

5:00 PANEL DISCUSSION featuring: Moxie Marlinspike (Open WhisperSystems/RedPhone), Bill Budington (Electronic Frontier Foundation), ..and the other attendees! This will be amazing.

8:00 till 11PM : Summer School week CLOSING PARTY! DANCIN'! DRINX! FEATURIN' DJ Public Frenemy (Liam O'Donoghue!)

We hope you will join us for what we expect to be a tremendous event !

Love & solidarity -- David Brazil (for the Summer School organizing committee)

The last day of the Bay Area Public School / Sudo Room's weeklong Summer School program, Information Day kicks off with a 3-hour Cryptoparty starting at 12pm. We'll be showing people how to run Tor (anonymous browsing), set up private and public keys for authentication, use encrypted chat, and secure their phone calls. All skill levels welcome!

The day will culminate in a series of lightning talks from 3-6pm, featuring Moxie Marlinspike of Open Whisper Systems (, Danny O'Brien and Bill Budington from the EFF (, Craig Rouskey from the GETit citizen science phage therapy research group (, and Marc Juul and Jenny Ryan from the Oakland Mesh networking group (

Potential plans also include a surveillance tour of the neighborhood led by some of the folks involved in the Domain Awareness Center campaign.

We'll conclude the evening with free drinks and dancing!

Sudo Room is located at 2141 Broadway St, two blocks from the 19th St Oakland BART. Curl left around the corner at 22nd - the entrance is on 22nd St. We'll be running from 12-6, so drop in anytime. Flier attached.

Come and party like it's 1984! :P Jenny