Free food gardening

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This is creating this page, for the future. Can be exported to other wikis, also. I am looking at as a place to compile a lot of these technologies and materials, how-to's, etc. But the most productive system is anarchy. :)

Feel free to edit if you wish.


For fruit trees, now enjoying this catalog from 4 Season Nurseries:
Seeds- just do them. Online ordering like this, or a seed library, or what you've harvested and seed-saved from the past. This person did out their seed ordering list on a blog like a confession:

Will you have non-vegan elements in your garden? If you eat chicken, or eggs; or like to use milk products like milk, butter, ice cream, coffee cream, etc, then you can use a post-hole digger and sheep and goat fence is like, $45 for 150 feet? The number one mistake that people make when going into this field is spending too much on fence. You could use or find some portable electric fence mesh netting, or a single, double, triple, or 5-line system, which shocks them on the nose if they go there, so even sheep just learn like, within 2 minutes. Sheep respect a fence, and like the comfort of wood. Goats will try to get to where they want to, over the fence if they can! I got a great picture of chickens inside a small night-time container around here. That seems like a pretty good way to have them at night, and they will help till, lay eggs every day, and give themselves as meat occasionally also. Chickens and goat can be kept in small area. Browse craigslist for them.


Gardening don't be a colonizer. Instead of looking at squares which focus on property lines, look at nature. What is the areas that are grass, and things that are already there. Shady, and taller patches. Where are the bugs gathering currently, and what does that mean? What could fit in there nicely, and you want to provide all your food from your yard or area in a short time. It's good to think of access ways, which paths you would like to keep open and how you enter most often, you could even look at footprints. What's there already, also this will make nature more vivid and strong :)

It's best to not try to "place" things on the map that aren't there yet. This is usually the last design step in permaculture planning. Why, is simply that looking at all of the other aspects and considering these elements and what you want to eat, really affects the outcome of how the garden looks. You can still grow what's in your fridge currently, if you take a little while longer in the planning. Go with.


One Straw Revolution download-
How to Grow More Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries... download-
Walipini (Underground Greenhouse) PDF-

Tools required

A shovel will help greatly in what you need to do. Other hand tools, of choice!
Wheelbarrow for moving heavy stuff, light stuff, storing stuff, and putting weeds into to make the compost pile.
I find the most inspirational basic thing to have access to is two or so large plastic tubs, and/or buckets. Simplifies.
Amend with sand if clay-y, soil compost, chop, water, goat, worm, and rabbit manure can be used instantly, chicken or sheep or cow compost it first, horse after one year, human after two years.
Recycled materials for starting your seedlings, this is best.
For indoor or cold-weather areas, those plastic sheets are very good.
Finally, if doing biochar then you will want a tin can with another top from a larger tin can. This goes into the fire and lets you use charged sticks as your wonderful soil fertilizer and spirit.

External Links

Seed Library Map:
NaturalNews Comfrey Gardening, very good link:
Also, the best thread on the internet about Gardening:
Youtube for winter or small-space gardening:

See also

Permaculture Design
Food Justice
Free Life East Bay