Meeting Notes 2024-08-21

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Sudo Room meeting August 21, 2024

Notetaker: Paige


  • William, Jake, Cere, CeeCee, Paige, misterinterrupt, Sarah L, Jake, Alex, Romy, Elaine, Carl, Ajay, Cel,

new Sudo Room lease with CALLI


  • William - will be going up 15%, trying to get it tied to CPI +1% or +2%

access to the building

  • William - talked to Ojan today - I asked for 12pm-1 closing for now, then for longer hours when better access control throughout the building is put in place (i.e. separate entrance for bocce room made). Suggested we have designated closers. So we probably wont have 24/7 access to run whole building, there will need to be computerized doors throughout building
  • Jake - I can help out with this.
  • Cere - pretty routine for people to be at SR past 1am
  • misterinterrupt - definitely precident for this in other art spaces. At one space I work at, they use an app called hatch to allow access only to certain spaces. Might be less accesible for people who have less digital access. Maybe something to be considered.
    • Jake - we can give people key cards, nfc cards

CeeCee basement space

SMAC moved out of the basement, but CeeCee intends to continue using the space they rent in the for sewing/crafting. Could expand from tools they have now to more types of trades. Option Jesse has suggested to make a lease going forwards is - one of the two omni nonprofits is handed back to Sudo Room, and then Sudo Room as a nonprofit could fiscally sponsor CeeCee's project.

Plan for the space/organization

  • CeeCee - my intention is to have, like the tool lending library, people don't know how to use those tools, would like to have tables down there, for an hourly price they can use the space for a workspace that they might not be able to use at home.
    • Sarah - sounds awesome, but should figure out a sq. footage total, and whether you want secure storage or just that open area. One thing we have been discussing is what we do with all the stuff that omni owns, could move all the tools from the
    • Paige - if setting up to do woodworking, David K. said it would up the insurance and the dust collection
    • CeeCee - there are vents in basement, could be modified. But just securing space is main priority
  • CeeCee - I have a concern about paying the full rent til I get the west wall having electricity. Area is useless without any power. Willing to pay for the materials or something to get it fixed
    • Sarah - there was power in 2021, but in 2022 that new room got built, and all outlets installed got enclosed in that room.
    • CeeCee - but far wall never had power
    • Sarah - right
    • Sarah - We did put this issue into capital needs assessment to EB PREC/CALLI. We made that a fairly high priority. Might be something where you say "have this space for now, then will expand once power put in"

fiscal sponsorship

  • Sarah L - Issue around leases and CeeCee - when Omni first started, Sudo was its own 501c3. Entity formed called omni oakland commons. Original lease under omni oakland commons, all tenants paid rent to that. Then when building was purchased, sudo room 501c3 became the omni commons 501c3, and everything moved to that, and omni oakland commons 501c3 became dormant. So in a freaky friday moment, now Sudo Room would become the omni oakland commons 501c3. If basement area were to become CeeCee's project, it would be a project of Sudo Room. Could have them separate, so if CeeCee becomes a separate thing, you wouldn't have to renegotiate the lease in the current SR space.
  • Sarah - debts and property tax are associated with the new 501c3, omni commons. Since the current omni entity might need some debugging, better to use the old 501c3 for this purpose. This way Sudo Room can be separate from those things under current omni umbrella. Free Store would be on the newer one.
  • Paige - why couldn't all fiscally sponsored project still be under one nonprofit? Why does it have to be changed to be just Sudo Room?
  • Sarah - then you'd need people to manage those all. Signing paperwork, potentially dealing with people you dont want to deal with.
  • Jake - CeeCee has been a Sudo Room member since beginning, and wants to keep it part of Sudo room. Whether we call that part of sudo room or CeeCee's project, is more of a discussion with EB PREC and CeeCee and us.
  • Paige - if CeeCee's group left, would then that space be Sudo Room's?
  • sarah - That's negotionable, they could retenant it, or you could make space for someone else. On separate lease, would not be jeapordizing the main sudo room space. It would allow for if in future, CeeCee would want a new nonprofit. SR would keep base operations as is.
  • Paige - In that hypothetical of CeeCee getting new sponsorship, would CeeCee need approval from Sudo Room to keep using the space with different sponsorship?
  • Sarah - lease on space with EB PREC, doubt they would oppose that. lets say you and CeeCee get in fight, EB PREC would try to mediate that, if space is contested.
  • William - I dont think we should give impression that we are trying to grab more space. Should be separate leases.
  • Sarah - I think EB PREC would like this to happen, they are looking at a building 2/3 empty. To have a lease with CeeCee through Sudo Room gives them a tenant they dont have to find.
  • Cere - We could specify some transition period where we don't hold this space forever. Is CALLI going to be a fiscal sponsor for groups who come in?
  • Sarah - no, they will own the building. They will rent space for different groups. All they are doing is managing the property, they arent managing internal operational governance. Just collecting rent and making sure building operational
  • Paige - Could we keep the omni oakland commons 501c3 as is, not just make it sudo room, then that nonprofit fiscally sponsor both Sudo Room and CeeCee's project?
  • Sarah - Shouldnt overthink it and create a complex thing. Alternative is CeeCee could find another fiscal sponsor for now...
  • Jake - Yar wants there to be less space for SR. Why wouldn't we want ability for Sudo Room to expand?
  • William - seems like an image issue. SR is under boycott, called racist and colonialist.
  • Jake - we are being boycotted because CLP was kicked out.
  • William - Well the impression is that SR is those things, boycott has been effective. So expansionism isnt what we should be trying. Legally speaking we would have ability to do that. I don't necessarily think it'd be end of world, but I don't just want to do this because opportunity for more space. We have a lot of space now. We havent demonstrated superior management abilities. Might be a great opportunity, and might be a great financial choice, but not good in light of the boycott
  • Alexander - agree, but dont see an alternative. if it's image issue, it doesn't matter what we do.
  • William - what if we put in contract that we will give up the space if CeeCee's org moves out?
  • Sarah - why do you want to screw over CeeCee?
  • Paige - why would that screw over CeeCee?
  • CeeCee - when VoL left, we were asked to move. I cleaned and moved everything for them. And tried to ratproof. From there Silver came in and started with SMAC, I just stewarded then. Things were just then getting managed better in the space
  • Sarah - question for ceeCee and other people involved, if you had a separate rent commitment, could you afford on your own, or would SR be at risk for covering?
  • CeeCee - Ojan made it negotionable, so that SR would not be responsible in event that I left.
  • Sarah - If you are concerned about expansion, you could just ask for a shorter term lease
  • Jake - why would you not want SR to expand?
  • William - Im sure you understand concept of gentrification. We havent proven we can manage Sudo Room.
  • Jake - not true, very successful space and events, and Romy has been doing a great job online
  • Romy - started whiteboard and coffee recently, already have 8 people signed up.
  • William - I'm perfectly happy with current plan, but do not want it to come from our desire to manage more, but instead to keep CeeCee's project here
  • Alexander - I want to do whatever keeps CeeCee in the space. I don't want to second guess anyone concerned about expanding. But why are we doing the leg work to figure it out?
  • Paige - why is this SR's decision? Shouldn't Omni decide what happens to the two 501c3's? Because SR originally formed one of the omni 501c3s?
  • Sarah - this is an opportunity for SR to be its own nonprofit. So donors can get tax deductions. If at some point another entity wants to sponsor CeeCee's project they can. There's nothing locking into that contract.
  • Paige - I rather if CeeCee's project leaves, that the basement space goes to some other group. Given the problems other collectives have had with Sudo Room. In terms of conflict and not keeping space clean.
  • Sarah - To prove whether or not those claims are bullshit, you keep doing good work and let that speak for itself.
  • Charles - maybe it could be written in that the two spaces can be splittable in the future.
  • Jake - Paige's objection amounted to that they dont approve how SR operating, and that they would prefer another org that doesnt exist run the space. Seems like a harsh critique of SR.
  • William - I think being very careful about this makes sense.
  • Sarah - I suggest, now that Omni will cease to exist, its our great hope that SR will take its energy from Omni meetings, and devote it to SR. Can take all that time and do cool shit.
  • Paige - Omni meetings ending will only clear up time for only a few people. There hasn't been a SR meeting for a long time, and most meetings I've been to have had very few people show up. But yea I think Sudo Room will do better in the future with the building being taken care of better.
  • Elaine - I agree with Paige and others that its not a great idea for SR to be in position to take up more space. Not that I dont like SR or what we are doing.. But the culture of building is that there are lots of different groups in here. If SR took over basement, I dont think we would necessarily get another media lab. Might be more soldering stations. Not that we couldnt do cool stuff in there, but would be great to invite other groups in there
  • Sarah - to be clear, area we are considering is 1200 sq ft. And still 4-5 rooms that are vacant, that new groups can move into. 2 space in mezz free. Theres still a significant amount of room for new groups, new people, new energy. I dont think idea that SR would take over the whole basement
  • Alexander - what are other options other than fiscally sponsoring through SR?
  • Sarah - 4 options, 1. SR becomes old omni 501c3, and fiscally sponsors CeeCees area, and signs lease as responsible party. 2. CeeCee finds another org to sponsor 3. CeeCee space goes away because no one signs lease
  • William - I would support 1 if its the easiest option, but I want to avoid that we are trying to take over more space at this point.
  • Sarah - reality is this would entail that SR would sign off on this lease for CeeCee's project. SR would not be expanding. It would lend existing 501c3 status to CeeCee's status, and be on the hook for rent if CeeCee's project cant afford
  • William - still opportunity for us to take it over. Dont think that's necessarily a bad thing. But don't like the optics
  • Sarah - you can control that. You are guaranteeing a lease for somebody, doesn't mean its your space. If CeeCee moves out, you can give up space
  • William - Can we put it in the lease that we will not take it over if CeeCee leaves?
  • Sarah - I dont have an opinion on that. Personally I want SR to do what it wants to do, give CeeCee process to have space, and have SR protected by being in old nonprofit 501c3, building saved, other groups move in, and everyone ultimately happy.
  • misterinterrupt - SR should have make a rule that it should nor lord over things. That's what I hear here. 5 years down road, lets say if CeeCee leaves, SR can then decide what it happens to it then on that principle.
  • Elaine - It's one thing to say we are SR so we can choose not to be terrible. But if taking on 34 year lease, totally possible no one here will be making this decison.
  • Sarah - could put in lease that SR is giving space for type of work that CeeCees doing. If that project dissolves, the owner could now retenant the space, within that work.
  • Alexander - I dont object in principle, but who is asking us to do that?
  • William - basic idea of colonialism ad capitalism , is that its always good to expand
  • Alexander - No its not. Also we are not taking territory, we are renting it
  • Sarah - historically that space wasn't somebody else's. It was set up by people involved in sudo room. So its like rematriating space in a way.
  • Charles - how about agree to do it in the short term, but ask CeeCee to find another party?
  • Paige - if 3rd party comes in, would that jeapordize the 34 year lease?
  • Sarah - there are different types of fiscal sponsorships. 3rd party might be unlikely to sponsor, because it makes them liable for some place that they dont occupy. SR already has insurance within the building. Another option would be, CeeCee stays sponsored by original entity. But that might cease to exist.
  • Elaine - seems like the core disagreement is whether we trust SR to make best use of space, or EB PREC using the space. The disagreement is on whether or not we should allow ourselves to control space in case that CeeCee leaves. Can we put something in the lease, that says in the event CeeCee leaves, we can put in a bid like anyone else to use that space? If EB PREC thinks SR doing a good job, they can rent it to us. But could also rent it to another group.
  • Sarah - I think thats a great idea
  • Jake - EB PREC is giving FNB, Wood St Commons, SM, and CCL leases because of equity in building. They dont have anything like that with CeeCee. They have no obligation to work with CeeCee. In that sense it does make sense to bring CeeCee into the fold with us. This thing where people are saying SR should nail itself to wall, let it go to market value after CeeCee gone, will put incentive for them to press CeeCee out to get someone in market value
  • Sarah - no, they are restricted in what they can charge, their nonprofit constricted by doing certain rates for certain things. Nothing is going to be at market rate. I don't know how much they will increase rents for new tenants over what current tenants pay. That will depend on financial info in future. If we dont take it, dont think necessarily next people will be charged more.
  • William - they might not give CeeCee this sweetheart deal, might be 5 year deal.
  • Elaine - I'm not opposed to fiscally sponsoring CeeCee. I just do have problem with getting more power than we should have.
  • Carl - I'm generally in favor of SR managing the basement. Don't think we should shoot ourselves in the foot. We should have equity in the building, we founded omni and put a lot of work. But dont know if its necessarily a good thing, ultimately the new owner will have control over building. Depending what they are charging, not sure if its a benefit or liability. basement less useful. for time being we want to expedite, i think we should just offer what CeeCee is asking of us. down road if we want to give up space, we can negotiate with the owner on that
  • William - also wonder if we will spread ourselves too thin. How many months can we manage to spend to pay for that space.
  • Sarah - as far as income goes, I think SR has $3000 in paypal, and $2000 coming in from stop waste grant. SR in fairly decent financial position.
  • William - we should decide what we do in case we dont have money to pay both spaces rents.
  • misterinterrupt - 2 choices: do you want to move forward, or make it binding about SR goals or plans orresponsibilities that are with the space that it has fiscal relationship with.
  • Paige - does anyone oppose to Elaine's plan?
  • Elaine - The initial plan was that SR would be guaranteed option to rent space if CeeCee were to leave. I was saying maybe we can compromise - we fiscally sponsor the space, and in the event that CeeCee leaves, SR would put in regular bid for the space if we wanted to use it. We would still have opportunity to have that space, but we would be allowing EB PREC to make that decision of who gets to rent it. If we are doing really cool stuff that the community wanted at that point, then we would probably get it
  • Carl - I'm confused i thought the option was either SR is tenant of basement, and subletting to CeeCee. And other option is directly tenant under EBPREC. dont know this hybrid could work
  • Sarah - in some ways, it is somewhat comparable to a subtenant, like CeeCee subtenant of sudo room. Could have sublease with CeeCee. But more like you have a child who is miner. As parent you sign for things because the child is not legally of age. Elaine's suggestion, if CeeCee gives up space, SR would say, this space is no longer SR, reverts to EB PREC, but SR can continue to offer to use it for other purposes, but in competition with other tenants.
  • misterinterrupt - Elaine's plan removes sudo room as having sole right to the space.
  • Carl - don't know how that is codified
  • Sarah - the other thing it does, it also in some ways remove obligation of SR to find something to do with that space, in terms of notice. If CeeCee unable to continue, then SR is still on hook for lease and rent. Having that clear cut delineation also helps SR mitigate risk. In terms of codification, it'd be codifying in legal docs Jesse writes up between SR and CeeCees project. Also put into the lease with EB PREC.
  • William - everyone willing to support to put option put forth by Elaine?
  • Vote: we fiscally sponsor CeeCee's project in the basement, and in the event that CeeCee leaves, we would put in regular bid for the space if we wanted to use it (we would allow EB PREC/CALLI to decide who takes over space next, doesn't automatically become more Sudo Room space).
    • yes: Paige, Cere, Elaine, misterinterrupt, Alex [yes reasonable compromise]
    • no:
  • Jake - I want to say that this puts a target on CeeCees back, they can pressure her out of the space if they want it at market rate
  • Elaine - I thought whole point of EB PREC is they wont be nasty and do stuff like that
  • Jake - I just always end up worrying about stuff like that so just wanted to mention
  • William - we are leaving power and money on table, but I think its good for us to appear that we are not trying to gain that right now

vote to sign lease

  • vote to empower william to sign it
  • yes: Alex, Jake, Paige, Elaine, Romy, misterinterrupt

EB PREC meeting update

  • Ajay - It was super helpful for me to hear Ojan break down past present and future, assumptions, how things might change. Some stuff we dont need to know because they are taking liability, but I'm interested in it and find it super important. All members on call seemed to approve of purchase. Interested to hear about CALLI - when you form a nonprofit under you, cant tell it what to do. So EB PREC cant tell CALLI what to do. But 3 EB PREC people on CALLI board. Interesting because Omni is not EB PREC project. CALLI having Omni as part of it gives it weight as a nonprofit.
  • William - Ojan made reference to CAST's model of Dreaming Spaces, which tries to create a vision for spaces and how we can rebirth it into something better than before. He was hoping for us to come up with a shared vision together, and possibly inform the vision of that nonprofit.
  • Ajay - would love for CAST to be involved.
  • Ajay - The meeting also did touch on PP and CLP. Ojan and others are in conversations with both groups. Whoever they talked to sounded neutral or positive about EB PREC taking over the building. They also have a budget for mediation.
  • Paige - That's good to hear. Would be nice to have another party involved to help us work through all of that.
  • Ajay - Sounds like they have been in communication wiith them in way omni wasn't able to. It speaks to their structure and communication skills

end of meeting

  • Cel - can we share this news out?
  • Paige - Yea, it could still fall through... but its all public. Meeting notes are all online, not a secret.
  • Ajay - what I say to people is that things are looking promising for Omni. But still nothing set in stone, making backup plans is a great idea.