SudoMate Batch3
Revision as of 08:54, 17 April 2013 by Maximilianklein (talk | contribs) (added Category:Sudomate using HotCat)
Chef: Naomi. Recipe (all approximate amounts)
- 500ml of mate, yerba buena
- 2 quarts of water, approx
- 20grams of chopped ginger with the skin on
- ~5g of lemon zest
- Water brought to 175 degrees fahrenheiut
- added mate, ginger and lemon
- started timer.
- Totally sitting at around 7 minutes at (fairly) stable temperature.
- Added 2 tbl spoons of lemon juice
- poured through tea-strainer sitting in a single-drop plastic coffee funnel, into a glass pitcher.
- added 1 1/3s of a cup of inverted sugar
- Chef getting bored and tired at this point.
- added ~1/4 teaspoon of salt