Mesh/10 Oct 2017

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Peoples Open Meeting - Oct 10, 2017


  • Blake - wireless security, community network, internet underserved community
  • Bullitt- no comment - l like how when other people don't say anything after saying their names it's just left blank and l'm special. (see below) -BDB
  • Devin - bootcamp, etherium
  • Sierk - city of oakland declared "shelter crisis ordinance" causing establishment of semi-permanent villages, tiny houses, port-a-potties, two or three years, purchasing tuff sheds for storage, result of constant pressure on city government (10 months of showing up at council meetings) -
  • Jenny - she pronoun, unloaded 700 lbs slingshot magazines. non-profit application paperworking, sent to jesse, self-imposed deadline 15 Oct to submit 501c3 application
  • Rita - happened upon the group through mycology lab, like values like accessibility and learning how to code. entrepreneur and mom.
  • Scott - first pass circuit board for disaster network done, getting folks to look at it and play around with
  • Daniel
  • Andy
  • Lesley
  • Marc - disaster radio, trying to organize communications, wiki page on disaster radio research, science-hack-day in sf this weekend: hacking on disaster radio Saturday (all-night perhaps), paper-hacking, video hacking for grant application. Diverse panel of mozilla will judge proposal.
  • Jorrit - interested in organizing the next workshop (BYOI v4), probably in January. interested in what we can offer today and also developing new projects. happy to volunteer to onboard new folx to the project. will be out of town for the next 2 weeks.
  • robb
  • mai - used to work on intellectual property policy @ eff, been involved in solidarity economy organizing. was just at COCAP - anticapitalist alternative to SOCAP - still looking at ways to get involved
  • nick - trying to see how to plug in, been busy lately. (dys)functional fridays.


  • Science Hack Day in SF this weekend to work on DisasterRadio - - Marc / Scott / Jenny / Nic / Leez / Devin(?) attending - 1-2 extra slots available - focus on documentation twd the grant
  • DisasterRadio meeting on Mumble tomorrow, 3-4:30pm - meet @ sudo if you'd like to join the call
  • sierk: Monthly newsletter at the end of the month - post to mailing list
    • Overview of last workshop and announce for next workshop
  • marc: bug report issued today by jake. haven't closed this issue yet.
  • marc: got new exit server set up with RAID 1, ready to go to hurricane electric. one will be on, one off, redundancy.
    • jenny: james or howard's rack?
      • marc: don't care, better to have both servers on the same rack.
  • daniel: reported issue with logs on the list..
    • jorritt: will put it into the github as an issue
      • marc: better to turn it off completely, tho can be useful to turn on temporarily when debugging
        • sierk: do we own that IP? (a: don't believe so}

sunday node mount

  • jorrit: video of network map online @ 1 frame/week :D
  • what happened last week?
    • marc: hadn't discussed with Dev prior, grant left, dev had some hesitations - power issues, expensive quote from LMI (~$3K/mo). Equipment we have is way too big for his roof - need to procure expensive, smaller-size gigabit link (~$2K). not enough just to have the link to LMI, also need to connect out (eg to the coops). POE not enough to run multiple nodes (possibly). marc needs to research power capabilities, but skeptical we're going to get a good price. dev somehow got the impression that he should go talk to lmi & monkeybrains. we've been holding off on having a meeting with those groups, then he went ahead and spoke to them and didn't represent us well. monkeybrains doesn't want to deal with us. trying to set up a meeting w/ lmi & dev. they had previously sounded open to negotiate. reason for the high quote is that we previously were going to mount our own equipment on the roof of their HQ and pay for the bandwidth. Dev asked for quote at another facility, using equipment from them. impossible to see official HQ from Dev's.
      • blake: should talk to monkeybrains via ben. also know a more senior engineer if that would help.
        • marc: person Dev talked to had no idea who we were.. but was only one person, may be salvageable. still they might think that what we're trying to do may compete with them.
          • blake: don't think they feel that way
            • marc: dev reaching out was a mistake, not malicious i don't think
              • bullitt: can't guess on his intentions. l'm not knocking him or propping him. really problematic that he represented this project and doesn't fully understand it. should have spoken with us before representing us.
                • jorrit: i doacratically changed the website without consulting the group. that's representing us to the entire world.
    • marc: going to have a meeting with Dev, see what he's willing to pay for, then meet with him & LMI (same person I spoke with previously)
      • blake: think any damage done is reversible. work with someone from monkeybrains closely - can talk with him.
    • jorrit: any high location is valuable in and of itself - don't necessarily need the bandwidth
      • robb/marc: look into alternative gear
      • marc: 60GHz link between Monkeybrains & EFF - they're tiny, multiple gigs/km. need to research their capabilities, cost etc. previously out of our price range, but might be worth looking into

next sunday: scott's place @ 32nd & MLK

  • who can make it?
    • scott, marc, blake, devin, jenny
    • meet @ sudo @ 1pm
    • will be mounting it on the carriage house in backyard - 2 stories - pole on the carriage house we could reinforce, or possibly mount on a neighboring redwood tree.
      • jenny/marc: not ideal to mount on a tree - foliage, water, etc. would be better to put a 900MHz link on the tree

next byoi workshop

  • Sat, Jan 27th from 2-5pm
  • marc: build an actual small internet with cables, go thru process of peering, peering agreement etc. very central to how the internet works and largely unknown
    • jorritt: incentivized mesh station jehan put on incorporated that
  • robb: decentralized file systems eg ipfs, dat
  • sierk: cryptoparty
    • jenny: haz cryptoparty resources. could ask bill to co-facilitate.
  • put ideas on

mozilla / nsf grant

  • jenny: sent an email with info to disasterradio list & those who seemed interested. talk to me if you'd like to be included in that team
    • jorritt: think it would be valuable to share publicly - staying offlist seems antithetical to how we work (openly and transparently)
      • blake: I think we'd just be describing what is. So maybe it isn't so bad since we'll basically be describing our already existing project.
        • scott: we'd want to build on top of
      • marc: I've had bad experiences with making everything open. I don't see any benefit in it. People might just copy and paste our ideas, then spend money on nicer graphics.
        • Blake: I agree with Marc.
  • marc: problem with this competition is that it's open to for-profits. prefer to just work on it then broadcast once we've submitted. everything else is and has always been open.
  • sierk: could agree at least on a date at which we publish the proposal openly, eg date of submission. want to share, but want other people who use that stuff to share back. GPL vs MIT licensing model.
  • consenso to publish within 6 weeks
  • team for PON/smart communities application: lesley, andy, marc, blake, sierk, jenny, robb, mai
    • :: discussion of consensus model ::
  • need help with UI, community outreach, writing, etc

breakout groups

  • newbie onboarding - jorrit / rita / devin / nick
  • mozilla / nsf grant - jenny / sierk / blake / robb / scott / mai / andy
  • marc - working on server

mozilla / nsf grant

  • mai: ..discusses working with community land trusts..
    • jenny: reach out to BACLT & Jesse; LOL/SOLspace; Mitar/Berkeley coops; share community outreach spreadsheet;
  • robb: good to get press coverage before the Jan 15 announce
  • sierk: should regardless get a node up at the camp asap. use all community assets that we know of to get the mesh further out in oakland. gerald had some locations - POOR Magazine, BOP (Black Organizing Project) on 90th, Ubuntu Cafe, Qilombo, berkeley coops
  • mai: need to clarify narrative re: providing access vis-a-vis providing local services
    • jenny: tailor the pitch to the concerns & needs of who you're talking to - some are more interested in disaster resilient comms, others affordable shared alternative to eg; indiv. comcast subscriptions,
      • blake: affordable access is first thing they ask about on the app; 2nd pitch is that it's a way of sharing a little bit and giving a lot;
        • andrew: another valuable resource is public libraries
          • jenny: we should reach out to ivan, who works with OPL and has attended sudomesh meetings occasionally since the beginning..
  • sierk: work on a video, use existing footage and recent clips & photos, similar style to the kitchen fundraiser video
    • blake: i have photos from some node mounts - instagram @cwlcks
  • sierk: point of the village is the people living there ask for what they want. first they came for the homeless is different. for village, important that a nonprofit not come in and say what they're going to do - that it's run and led by the people who live there.
  • next meeting? - let's coordinate remotely for now - sesh at the node mount on sunday - jenny will send out a doodle for extended hackathon after mai returns

miscellaneous link dump

action items

  • send out doodle for pon grant hackathon - jenny
  • reach out to BACLT & Jesse; LOL/SOLspace; Mitar/Berkeley coops; share community outreach spreadsheet - jenny
  • send out email about next byoi & post to calendar & eventbrite - jorrit - done 10/11
  • set up debian on new server - marc - done 10/11
  • ping james and/or howard re: hurricane electric server setup
  • incorporate jesse's comments on 1023 application - 10/15 deadline - jenny