Mesh/18 September 2018

Revision as of 21:05, 18 September 2018 by Maisutton (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - Day Month 2018 7:30pm-9pm''' * === Agenda === * Introductions and Meeting Roles (10...")
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People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - Day Month 2018 7:30pm-9pm


  • Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
  • Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
  • Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
  • Next Sunday (5 mins)
  • Discussion: Archive Link
  • Discussion: Project Proposal Process (15 mins)
  • Action Items (5 mins)
  • Breakout Groups


Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements

  • Icebreaker question: Favorite ambient noise?
  • Jonah - he/him - ambient noise from the Starship Enterprise
  • Grant - he/they/whatever - gorrillaz white flag buzz / benny making the sound repeatedly
  • Seth - he/they - I like the sound of distant lawnmowers. Not near my house, but in the distance. Reminds me of summer.
  • Scott - he/him - pink noise (
  • Mai - she/they - people cooking in the house
  • Ben (eenblam) - he/they - recently been really missing the sound of thunderstorms
    • got the roof mount up for the air fiber pointed down town on sunday! we just need to get a couple small pieces to attach the rod to the mount.
  • Benny - he/him - a gentle rainfall
    • seth - rainstick?
    • grant - I like rain on the roof.
    • benny - Yeah, like rain on the roof. I miss the smell, too.
    • grant - petrichor!
    • mai - It's dead bacteria!
  • AJ - the heteronormative ones - I'll take "he" - humpback whales
  • Pam - zyr - running water
  • Lesley - she/he/they/I don't care it's just a thing I have to choose for the interface of a human's API/ze/zyr - <null>

Meeting Roles

Check in on previous action items

Check previous meeting minutes at and past action items below:

  • check in with chuck again (benny)
    • e-mailed today
  • check in with nic about whether we can use the 2 tix interchangeably over the 3 days - juul
    • grant - dradio thing.
  • reply to jonah and pin down a good time for thursday site survey & coordinate w/ benny / marc / robb - jenny
    • Jonah is here!
    • Jonah - Marc and Rob checked out the site on Thursday!
    • We have weather protected gear; PoE enabled switch is in place and available.
    • Just need someone who's happy climbing towers.
  • submit budget request for non-penetrating roof mounts - grant? juul?
    • grant - still to-do. Pending whether or not we plan on reusing the weighted base that's already on the roof.
  • iterate on packet needed for getting an insurance quote - accounting wg
    • no accounting wg meeting
  • loomio poll on consensus group name
    • mai - closes at 10
    • lesley - we had consensus last meeting to change two things. (See notes)
      • looked at Loomio interface today and didn't see how to change them.
    • mai - on the agenda to incorporate discussion from last week into new proposal
    • lesley - cool, language for additions should be in comments on loomio somewhere

Updates & Reportbacks


Priority bugs we need help with are located at: - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello:

  • benny - deployed first version of a look at monitor data over time:
  • grant - firmware build is failing, haven't had time to look at it, will put link here
  • eenblam - had a lot of trouble with manual builds a couple weeks ago
  • lesley - wondering about dev working group -- does it meet every week? what does it work on? maybe could use more regular posting of what that's going to be. have been researching some possibilities for setting up automated e-mailing. i want to work on setting up automated e-mails.
  • benny - let's do a breakout group to figure out how to schedule

Node Mounts & Outreach

Node Mounts Trello:

  • see eenblam announcement above in intros!
  • grant - if people want to complete reed bros link im available weds and fri to help out with that. we have a weighted base to use and nodes. would be good learning experience for anyone interested.
    • lesley - reed bros prefers mornings but they're not super strict

Communications & Events

Comms Trello: // Events Trello:

  • Santa Cruz mesh! They're meshing in santa cruz! they're active on our rocketchat. they're trying to become a 501c3.
  • Benvenue Bldg. — John, Jeff, and next Forrest -- we left them a spare node that they can give to Forrest!
    • eenblam - can encourage them to come to a meeting/office hours to learn how to operate their nodes!
    • pam - do you have videos? some people learn well from videos
    • mai - can be part of the PONI process!
    • lesley - +1. should have more things where you do X and get Y credit

Internal Logistics / Finance

Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:

  • Neighborly Community Broadband Accelerator?
    • mai - A bit swamped this week, but I can explore this more after.
    • nanomonkey - I think we looked into this last week. If it's the one we're thinking of, they're trying to push government bonds.
    • benny - I can look into the application process. (action item)
    • grant - fine wording specifies "broadband", which means we may not fit the bill. Not to discourage folks from applying and finding out!

Next Sunday

Node Mount

We try to arrange a rooftop node mount every Sunday afternoon. Ongoing spreadsheet is located at:

  • Next Sunday's mount:
    • lesley will be here
    • benny - pole on sunday?
    • ben - yeah it's possible. if we get the right clamp.
      • just need to buy a couple of Superstrut(TM) 2" pipe clamps (galvanized steel). Use those to fasten mast to strut. Mount airfiber to mast.
    • sounds like we're planning to do it tomorrow afternoon (will coordinate on rocket chat)

Office Hours

We host office hours every Sunday from 1-2pm in Sudo Room. To sign up for a shift, fill in your name here:

  • Next Sunday's volunteer:
    • lesley
  • Notes from this past Sunday's session:

Discussion: Archive Link

  • grant - When can we do it?
    • jonah - the one thing we have to do is tighten the guy wires for the tower. The installer company will handle this, hopefully in the next week or two. (Florida Ave site, not Carlson site)
    • Not sure what site survey yielded in terms of what you may have line of sight to.
    • Can give y'all a few static IPs, eventually give a public facing IP which we could tunnel to
    • question from jonah - what hardware do you want to power at the tower? i can give you an edgerouter?
    • jonah - wili try to do tower maintenace asap, but pretty busy until october 3, will be high on my list after that

Discussion: Project Proposal Process

This process is required for purchases > $2000, how to pay people (any sum of money) for their time, other irreversible decisions (such as signing on to a coalition letter or releasing a public statement,) as well as to make changes to this process moving forward. 1) Person has an idea. They add the proposal to the coming Tuesday's meeting pad. They're strongly encouraged to collaborate with at least one other group member, rather than proposing individual projects. 2) Person's proposal is discussed during the Tues meeting. 3) The proposal passes with a consensus vote with minimum quorum. (n=5) 4) Person puts the proposal on Loomio (literally in the form of a Loomio "proposal") to get approval and consensus from the group members, especially those not present at the meeting. 5) Consensus members have one week to approve, abstain, or request revisions via Loomio. Anyone can comment/discuss. 6) If approved, it is announced at the following Tues meeting for a final round of discussion if any one requests this. 7) If someone requests revision (formerly known as blocking), person who requests revision must present their reasoning at the following Tues meeting. If someone requests revision for a proposal they are expected to provide constructive feedback on the content of the proposal and identify why the proposal does not align with the Sudo Mesh mission. Also, the revision requester is expected to work with the proposers to come up with a proposal that would reach a consensus vote. Note: Requesting revision is not getting voted off the island. Requesting revision means that more collaboration is needed to help reach consensus. 7a) If someone requests revisions but is completely unresponsive to communication attempts in attempting to resolve the request for an entire week, then the hold is lifted.

  • Agree to revisit our processes quarterly - so next meta-analysis would be 4 December, 2018
  • Proposed changes

1: If you are proposing something in which you're receiving money, you must abstain from voting. 2: If you're requesting revisions, you need to say why and create a constructive counter-proposal, but this can be done remotely. -- Requester should be willing to be available by other means for project proposer to talk over the project.

grant - proposal's as github issues, ben - github now tracks changes to comments

Action Items

  • check in with nic about whether we can use the 2 tix interchangeably over the 3 days - juul
  • find someone who's happy to climb towers to mount radio on richmond tower (ben's friend?)
  • submit budget request for non-penetrating roof mounts - grant? juul?
  • look at neighborly app and apply (benny)
  • explore what a map of the mesh would look like (mai)

Breakout Groups

At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.

  • figure out how to organize software working group

Last Meeting Notes

  • link to previous meeting minutes

End of Meeting