Sudobot is Sudo Room's homegrown IRC bot.
Sudobot runs on sudorouter as user sudobot. Launching and supervision of the daemon is managed by psy
Sudobot is presently being revived for the modern era and will be hosted somewhere soon
Git repo Talk to mfb, jerkey, substack, ryanj, jenny, or Garrettr if you have questions about working on sudobot!
Gitorious is long gone, but is archived here: (you will have to add a TLS exception since their certificate expired 2019)
the new repo is at
The following is from 2012 and not reflective of the modern version of sudobot
Status of the Room
- open?
- Tells us whether Sudo Room (the physical space) is open and capable of accepting visitors
- open!
- Tell Sudobot you are opening the room
- closed!
- Tell Sudobot you are closing the room
- username++
- Increment username's karma score
- username--
- Decrement...
- karma username
- Display a user's karma score
Try typing yarr, <3, randomize
It was started by User:Tunabananas and further developered by User:Garrettr, mostly as an excuse to learn node.js.