Paige, Elaine, Andy, Carl
- andy is responding to people who want to become members via email. started doing this because noticed emails were not getting responded to.
- andy: ppl dumping trash. hard to know if stuff is trash/donation/or project in work
- elaine: hit and run donation
- andy: grouping common things in common areas
- i.e. library for computers, woodworking and soldering together, laser cutter projects, skylights
have a working groups
discussion about cleaning and organizing. Everyone seemed generally supportive of color coded bins, along with previous plans of having some sort of spreadsheet/lookup method.
discussion about the condition of the roof
- elaine: patching the ceiling -- is it safe to even go up there
- andy: thinks its stable to walk up. Jake has done some stuff to help with drainage. generally would like to get people interested in volunteering, and when they do volunteer tell other people about it
discussion about refinancing
- andy: hard to do stuff in isolation. Preferred idea to get some organization around getting people to show up 2x a month to do various tasks
how to make more $$??
- andys list:
- Get more members
- Encourage current members to give more money
- Apply for grants
- more events
discussion about fixit clinic grant we got
andy encourages members to read over wiki code of conduct and mission
new event ideas
next wednesday -- try and get the cnc router under the laser up and running? And/or learn about the one over in the north/west corner.