Meeting Notes 2013-03-13

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Fun Intro Question: What do you use as an alarm clock? And what are your snooze habits (i.e. are you one of those multiple alarm setters that doesn't trust the snooze)?
Harp x 2
Monophonic x 2
None x 5
fowl x 4
Multiple Alarm x 2
Natural x 2
Dinosaur (fowl)

non attendees:
ac unit turning on at a certain time in the morning

attendees: Sam (Harp), Steve (Anger), Naomi (Chimaera by Bad Religion), Tommy (Radio static, loud), Sean, Patrick, Jordan (melatonin and i forgot to mention my cat), Rachel (natural OR rooster), Louis (dialogue), Matt, Max (hates other people, math) , anthony (dinosaur) J.C. (none/wake up call), Jenny, Romy (early on holidays), Julio (sleepless android), Ray, Marc, Allan (iPhne), Marina, Troy (all-knowing Juan), Tanya



conflict resolution

  • can there a detailed report on the outcome and decision process at the meeting for those who can't attend? hard to piece together from the mailing list
  • Voting thresholds universally applicable

action items

  • Dishes
  • Send out changes to Articles of Association to mailing list for review
  • Waste Management - Troy

unconference-style interest groups after general meeting: discussion items + overflow

  • Sudo Library - lending policy and software
  • Debauchery
  • Sudo Radio Interest Group - holding this post-meeting is starting to seem like a bad idea.
  • Finance - Debauchery
  • 510pen - concur with above statement