Fabulous Friday Films
AHHHHHHH let's watch documentaries on Fridays!
Confirmed Screenings
- April 5:
- April 12:
- April 19:
- April 26:
- May 3: Money and Life Documentary Kevin
- Also at New Parkway Theater April 11th, April 10th in San Francisco
- May 10:
- May 17:
- May 24: Who Bombed Judi Bari? Rusty
Fundraising ideas
- How do we use films (and other events) as a means to raise funds?
- Suggested donation: sliding scale $3 - $10
- How do we collect donations so that people who are inclined to donate can easily do so?
- Entrance/welcome booth with a person by the elevator to make suggested donation more visible than it usually is
- Use something more "official" than the typical glass jar
Proposed screenings
How does Friday April 19th sound for a first screening?
- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
- Queen of Versailles
- Green Horns
- We Are Legion: the Story of the Hacktivists
- The American Astronaut - hilarious low budget B&W space musical
- add more movies you'd love to see