Sudo Room hosts a number of events! The best place to find all the events that are going on is our Calendar.
Here are some regular events:
- Today I Learned
- Fabulous Friday Films
- Javascript Meetup: Every Monday at 7PM
- MicroController HackNight Tuesdays 5:30pm-?
- Subgroup: Trippy Wearable Electronics
- Python Meetup
- Community Democracy Project
- HackerHappyHour - Friday evenings, off an on - check the calendar
- East Bay Sound Art Meetup meets Sundays at 4-7pm once a month at SudoRoom
- Cleaning of Natural Decay meets Sundays 7-9pm - we putzen and cleanen the SudoRoom, dancing to Erasure! it's fun. A great way to get to know what's in the space and what other people are doing