JAMMED (Jakes Amazing Marc and Matt Enhanced Doorunlocker) is the device enabling the unlocking of the front doors by electronic identification. Currently Equipped with an reader for magnetic stripes. Other Input methods coming soon.



Opening the locked Omni from outside

1. Approach the double doors (of the Omni) at the S.W. corner of 48th and Shattuck 2. After using the Identification Method of your choice, the motor will run for for approximately 13 seconds, and a happy sound will play, and perhaps an LED animation in the window. 3. After 13 seconds of the motor running, grasp the doorknob of the right door and pull BOTH door open. This works even when the original deadbolts are engaged, which is why you don't need a physical key. This arrangement is believed to be wheelchair-accessible.

Operating the door latch from inside the Omni

  • The door on the right (from outside) can be operated normally with the doorknob (if the deadbolts are not locked) if the left door is latched.
  • To latch the left door, put it in the closed position, open the mail slot door fully, and wait 13 seconds for the motor to latch the door.
  • To UN-LATCH the left door, press the button attached to the vertical wooden bar inside the left door (labeled "OPEN")

To LOCK the Omni doors from the outside without using keys

1. With both doors open, set the two deadbolts to the locked position (protruding) 2. Carefully align the two doors so that the deadbolts fit into their holes. 3. Close both doors and gently press on them during the next TWO steps. 4. Push open the mail slot lid all the way, which activates the locking motor. 5. Wait 13 seconds for the motor to engage the latches on the left door. 6. Check to see that the doors are locked and can't be easily pulled open. 7. If the left door is not secured on either the top or the bottom, unlock and start over.


LED stripe in the bottom right corner behind the frosted glass of the left Door.(In Progress)

Access Authorization

The individual collectives regulate who is granted Access via this system. Access will be revoked if the safety of the space is compromised independent of the members collective regulations.

Access list editing rights

  • Jake
  • Marc
  • Matt
  • ...

Identification Methods

Magnetic Swipe

A Hash is created from the already present magnetization pattern on the the stripe. Works with most standard magnetic cards without effecting there normal use. Does not work with 100% of the tested local transit tickets (MTA and BART). However, it is not advised to use Cards which could be harmful to you if the information on the stripes gets in wrong hands (like Government issued IDs or Credit cards). We can not exclude the possibility that Hackers could excess the System storing the Data.[1]

Detailed Description

Hardware [2]

The upper and lower bolts which keep the left door in place are retracted.


The software is called DoorJam. It is written in node.js and arduino C and is available here.



  1. As a matter of fact we can guarantee that.
  2. Over 90% recycled materials, approximately 50% natural renewable organic material, 10% re-used buzzwords