Meeting Notes 2014-12-03

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sudoroom mtg Dec 3, 2014


nathan (worked on reprap project in past, works on javascript), james (node stuff), matt (getting lost and taking names), jenny (infrastructure), ian (doesn't do anything useful) marina (first sudo meeting in over a year) timothy (roll around in dust) adam(electronics and power electronics and radiation and high vacuum stuff, first meeting, will probably spend every waking hour in this building), jehan (ambushed by the meeting, doing javascripty things), luis (interested in digital rights and privacy and doing what he can to help), sean, noemie, patrik, and a bunch of other people who came in after the intros (22 total attendees)

new members


  • why do you want to be a sudoer? My roommates are really annoyed with the sound of the laser cutter. wants to bring it to sudo room!
  • What do you want to hack: designing xray systems
  • What do you want to share: Laser cutter and lots of tools
  • Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace: no
  • Are you a cop? An undercover cop? A federal agent?


  • Women's Variety Show this Saturday at 7:30 in the ballroom (everything from tech talks to singing, dancing and hula hoops)
  • we just launched the indiegogo campaign for this building ($80,000 to get improvements and permits to officially open to the public)
  • The Omni now has IMAX speakers! We're now in need of an IMAX-quality projector!
  • Hackerspace-to-hackerspace video portal hackathon this Saturday starting at noon!
  • Eriks will come and 3D scan the space and put it online on Saturday at 6 pm


  • $483.83 on Gratipay
  • $2,387.62 in the Internet Credit Union account
  • $124 worth of bitcoin
  • Can someone transfer our money out of the Community Bank
  • Apply for grants for sudo!
  • Need a way to turn on our servers remotely
  • Matt will email reminders to pay dues
  • Brendan and Jenny will work on Stripe implementation
  • Marc wants to make a machine that will automatically take credit card donations!


  • New Omni Tenant Proposal: Optik Allusions
    • Mission Statement: Optik Allusions aims to empower people that are otherwise discriminated against - people of color, women, queers, differently abled, and mentally diverse folks - to utilize the overarching medium of the moving image and create films that provoke and challenge the dominant culture. By pooling our physical and mental resources, we make films in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity, supply a lending library of film equipment for creative projects, offer free, at cost or donation based classes, and host film screenings.
    • Origin and group history: Optik Allusions had its first meeting on 07/09/14, as a group of interested artists affiliated with various collectives within OMNI. So far, we have collaborated on a 2 minute grant application for the OMNI, as well as producing, filming and editing the Omni’s fundraising video. We’ve started receiving donations of film equipment, we host weekly film screenings that foster community within the Omni, and one of our members is working with a developper on a collaborative editing tool, with the intent of creating ways in which storytelling can become collaborative and participative:
    • Participation in the Omni: Currently, OpAl is not seeking membership but tenancy, with the possibility of applying for membership in the future. Our members are already involved in the Omni community and now we are joining forces to contribute to Omni’s mission of making the means of cultural production a common resource. In order to accomplish our goal, we need a secure room for an editing suite and to store our equipment library.
    • Group finances and paying rent: OpAl will be financed by the personal contributions of its members. We have a recommended monthly membership fee of $20, and people are free to pay more if they can, or less if they can’t (in exchange for volunteer hours). As of now, since only seven members of our budding collective can commit to paying 20$ a month, the rent we could reasonnably offer amounts to 140$. As our membership grows, we hope to be able to re-assess this amount.
    • Dedicated space: We would like to rent the room labeled as "Muses" on the floor plan [1], above and to the left of the stage (when viewed from the ballroom area). "Muses" is 89’ square on the main floor, with a lofted space that is 43’ square, for a total of 132’ square. We will turn it into a soundproofed editing suite where we can work in quietude and darkness, and we will need to secure the room with locks to protect our equipment.
    • Other contributions to the Omni: Best case scenario is that our fundraiser video helps Omni raise two million dollars! Other scenarios include more fundraiser videos, and promotional pieces for collectives within Omni to boost their visibility and membership. We can also provide technical help and equipment for any film and video related projects. Such services include setting up projectors and sound systems for screenings or presentations, setting up lights for staged events, filming events, and editing the footage to accommodate the needs of the group who requested it.
  • New Tenant Proposal: Omni Media Arts
    • Through many thriving years, the Omni has been a community landmark as well as a hub for local and global artist, there were fitness and social areas, not to mention functional passage ways and rooms to insure the function and fluid in the business along with it's We, UNIT 1, propose to create the OMNI Media component, which includes documenting and broadcasting events, producing commercials and ads bringing awareness of happenings, providing a platform for Artist, Engineers, Techs and All, have a place to share their voice about their project. OMA will make sure that each collective has a continuous advertisement and is updated if need. Also, as we'r all helping re­soil or rather revitalize the Omni soil, we OMA will go into the community to gather the stories and historical facts on the surrounding community and create a documentary that we will then share and show it to the UNIT1 is also, proposing to help the OMNI­POT with $100­$200 per month to rent out the upstairs office next to the stage crows nest. If we are to hold space for Media Art, that would be the best space being next to the stage and a structure is already set up. We are willing to write up a log also, so the space and media equipment can be use cohesively.
    • Below is the break down of the plan of action, thank you for reading.
    • Office/ Media room : $100-­$200 per month
    • Equipment: Computer Camera Tripod Lighting Mics

Discussion Topics

  • Storage for trash and indoor bike parking
    • Access control
  • Physical security of the building
  • Discussion of clarifying our building's history re: recent discovery that a local group of people of color was working for 2 years to buy this building
  • Omni finances discussion:
    • Omni has very little money atm
    • Concern over burnout of Commons Working Group
      • Commons WG is so much fun! Come help, Saturdays at 1pm
    • Marc: We should donate our grant money to ourselves when we have a lull in our indiegogo
      • check in with IndieGoGo
    • Fundraising working groups meets Mondays at 7!
    • Updates w/ new perks for the campaign - $30-40 range is most popular
      • Need one around $1K and another around $5K, and intermediary range
      • Perk idea: Floppy disk pen holder (Marc will bottom-line 20 of these and they can cost $25 or more).
        • Title: Pen holder made out of nostalgia-inducing 90's floppy disks
        • Description: Great home-made gift idea. Includes authentic 90's floppies with pre-drilled holes, zip ties and instructions.
      • Perk idea: brew-it-yourself sudo mate kit (Marc will bottom-line 20 of these and they can cost $25 or more).
        • Title: Brew-it-yourself sudo mate!
        • Description: Ingredients and recipe to brew a gallon of sudo room's delicious and healthy yerba mate hacker energy drink! .
      • Christmas Gift? To drive around the bay delivering gifts?
    • Luis volunteers to hand out flyers for the campaign
  • Radio show in San Francisco w/ a listenership of 10,000+ on Friday! Talk to Sean

Action Items

  • Let's clean all the things! (Matt + friends)
  • Email blast (Jenny and Luis)
  • Add perks (Jenny and Marc)