Mesh/03 Apr 2018

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People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 3 April 2018 7:30pm-9pm


  • Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
  • Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
  • Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
  • Next Sunday (5 mins)
  • Proposal: BYOI in Alameda (15 mins)
  • Proposal: Node Installer Program (10 mins or breakout)
  • Discussion: Loomio members (15 mins)
  • Discussion: Paxio Gigabit Link (15 mins)
  • Action Items (5 mins)
  • Breakout Groups


Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements

  • Icebreaker question: Springtime activity of preference?
  • jenny - she/her, cleaning and planting the backyard garden, passion flowers...? yeah!
  • mai - she/her/they/them, also like cleaning. pulling hats off of california poppies, has announcements! on April 21st, City of Oakland having City Camp, Mark Burdett connected us with an organizer
  • eve - she, hiking, been away a lot, is gonna be away a lot, has been starting with HAM radio, going to take test in May
  • grant - he/they - tiptoeing through the tulips. Getting sunlight, listening to rain!
    • Announcement: I met up with Toronto Mesh while visiting Toronto recently. They're hosting the Our Networks conference the week before HOPE! They informally invited sudomesh/PON.
  • lesley - going to yosemite, rock climbing! spent the day trying to get heorku to work locally
  • max - he/him - saying yes to more things that occur on thursday and friday, cuz i recently quite my job on those days
  • tom - he/him/we/us, is into tip toeing through california flora, going to the beach, hiking

' seth, he/him/they, likes foraging around berkeley, picking fruit, pineapple guava.

  • ben - he/they, likes being barefoot, normally has a yard, not so much.
  • - jason, was into the mesh a year ago, brought ubitquit and n600

(sierk is in sudo room and on sudopad)

Meeting Roles

Check in on previous action items

Check previous meeting minutes at and past action items below:

  • Respond to emails for node mounts - Mai
    • did, done, responded to Steven Brown, East Oakland, haven't heard back
    • also responded to Paxio to get a gigabit link
  • Action item - doodle + email for meeting time? - mai
    • yes, jeremy sent out doodle, couple days work, decided on next Tuesday, 4/10, to hold straegy meeting
  • Set up Loomio group to discuss and make a decision re: concretizing relationship with the Omni - mai and jnny
  • Ping Freifunk/Battlemesh organizers re: a live interactive something w/ them :D
    • oooh, no, one put their name? next Battlemesh, they pinged us, we could organize some sort of video conference
  • coordinate w/ Doug about planning a mounting safety training - jorrit
    • ben - talked to Doug about liability stuff, he'll talk more, and will talk with Jenny
  • Finish the "hey, awesome, you have a node now!" messaging (Benny) - Not finished, will continue this Sunday
    • grant - Benny worked on it, don't he quite finished it before leaving? Might be beta testing it on Chuck to follow up on this weekend.
  • finish biz plan & budget & send to insurance broker [jnny]
  • Newsletter: add content here:

Updates & Reportbacks


Priority bugs we need help with are located at: - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello:

  • (jorrit in absentio) A babeld-monitor has been introduced for exit nodes. Currently, the monitor checks for babeld out of memory issues every 10 minutes, and if so, it restarts babeld and re-registers the tunnel interfaces. A functional workaround that buys us time to actually fix the root cause: an apparent memory leak in our fork of babeld. For more information see bug and and
  • (jorrit in absentio) Update on exit node migration - Hurricane Electric Exit Node now has 4 connected home nodes, the old psychz has 14 . It appears that whoever manages those nodes are not informed, do not have the know-how, incentive or will to patch their nodes.
  • grant - can talk about a few of these...
  • grant: lots of instructions on how to write patches, witten by me/jorrit/benny
    • #13: private meshing (via yar) [issues w/ ad-hoc mode and WPA2 encryption. not a simple issue]
    • priority - giving priority to private node when being used, then allocating all bandwidth to mesh when not in use
    • tunneldigger doesn't start correctly on zeroconf. haven't opened an issue for it yet

Node Mounts & Outreach

Node Mounts Trello:

    • ben - wrapped up node mount at Chuck's place on Sunday, Monday
  • grant - would like to reach out to Reed Brother's location as possible link to Paxio
    • grant - Jehan, Will have been in contact with them in the past. Probably just going to go visit in person.
    • jnny - will's gotta baby now! but is usually very responsive via email
    • ben - can we consolidate notes/efforts on this someplace? I feel like this is more actionable than the archive link for now.
    • mai - waiting to hear back from Paxio regarding whether or not they have an AP we can access, or if we need to install both ends of the link.
  • sierk - node mount at Ed's (& Captain Morgan's?) - bottom of Park Blvd, near Lake Merritt -- either on 4/15 or 4/22
  • mai - waiting to hear back from steven brown in east Oakland. Will get in touch with their aunt and uncle about installing a node at their house near grand lake theater on valle vista (close to chuck's)
    • Chimney visible at aunt & uncle's home. Might not have Internet, possibly interested.
  • ben - discussing with James Allgood near the Oakland zoo.
    • still sorting out a date
  • jnny - Rob and I have the part we need to wrap up power at Dianne's place
  • grant - Dev reached back out. He's ordered the conduit for the power upgrade.

Communications & Events

Comms Trello: // Events Trello:

  • Webinar for WINS Stage 2 teams with Steve Huter. "Steve Huter is the Director for the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) and a Research Associate at the University of Oregon."
    • Can email in questions for Steve in advance.
  • Press Inquiry on community-owned networks and resiliency to climate change
  • CityCamp - Waiting to see how we can be more formally added to the schedule if that's possible.
  • CiviCamp -

Internal Logistics / Finance

Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:

  • jenny: 2017 taxes done

Next Sunday

Node Mount

We try to arrange a rooftop node mount every Sunday afternoon. Ongoing spreadsheet is located at:

  • Next Sunday's mount: action item'd

Office Hours

We host office hours every Sunday from 1-2pm in Sudo Room. To sign up for a shift, fill in your name here:

  • Next Sunday's volunteer: Ben

Proposal: BYOI in Alameda

  • It's almost 3 months from the last BYOI — where and when should we make the next BYOI? What if we reached out to Amos to do a BYOI and provide them with a microgrant from our Mozilla/NSF grant funds to set up a mesh there as part of the event?
    • mai - could use the BYOI event as an inroad to providing them with a microgrant as that becomes an option financially
    • grant - I followed up with Amos, who said he would be doing some outreach to folks in the area. Still waiting to hear back. A lot of folks were CC'd and could follow up.
    • mai - I'm generally interested in organizing an offsite BYOI, whether it's there or elsewhere.
  • Consenso? Folks seem cool with moving forward on this.

Proposal: Node Installer Program

Who'd like to be a certified PONI!

To become a "certified" People’s Open Node Installer (a PONI), one must complete the three following tasks:

1. Participate in a Node Mount Training and Safety Explanation session (either at the Omni or on-site) 2. Contribute to at least one (ideally two) node mounts, this means going along, learning the steps, becoming familiar with equipment, and interacting with the node owner. 3. Facilitate at least one node mount, this means finding someone from our list (or just a friend, family member, co-worker) who’d like a node, scheduling the installation, performing day-of coordination, and completing the install.

Node installers should also be familiar with (and contribute to?) the material at

This should be decoupled from the NWP, i.e. you don't need to be a node whisperer to be PONI, but you should be able to convince a whisperer join your mount.

  • Minimum Node Mount Team:
    • 1 certified (or provisional) PONI
    • 1 node whisperer
    • 1 communication and safety cooridinator
      • teams can be a minimum of two people where one fulfills two of the above classificiations, but three individuals is preferrable

If no objections, we can hold a breakout group to hammer down some details and create/edit a training guide (in mounting repo?)

  • jorrit added that a PONI should also have to train a PONI
  • jnny - having a training / certification program could be good for showing to insurance companies.

Discussion: Loomio members

Discussion: Paxio Gigabit Link

  • Mai has been in contact with Paxio through Tim Pozar about getting a gigabit link to the Omni — photos and more info here on Trello:
    • They have wireless assets. It seems like the main obstruction is the StorQuest building.
  • Do we have ideas on people we can be in touch with to see if they'd be down to install a node and be a hopping point for this connection?
    • jenny: kapor center is at a good angle between here & there...

Proposal: Solar powered extender node

  • $300 to make two solar-powered repeaters

Action Items

  • solar powered extender nodes?
  • Talk to other wireless companies re: how they do general liability insurance - jnny + ben
  • order items to order - jnny
  • open zeroconf tunneldigger issue - grant
  • get in touch with Reed Brothers - grant, will?
  • be in touch with Paxio re: gigabit link - mai

Breakout Groups

At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.

  • solar powered nodes/hardware?
  • Identifying a node mount for this Sunday
  • PONI interest meeting