Meeting Notes 2015-03-11

Sudoroom mtg - 11march2015 This wasn't a meeting really, more just a couple of people at the table cognizant that there was not going to be quorum / active decision-making.


  • null, juul, jnny, robb


  • Nothing really to decide upon. Juul submitted a proposal to the delegates meeting to put tighter boundaries around expenditure of omni funds. This seems fairly non-contestatory.
  • Not many people coming to newbie night lately. tuesday hardware hack sessions have been well-attended.
  • Cryptoparty no longer happening every third sunday - call for co-facilitators! for now, perhaps plan targeted one-offs instead.
  • Proposed fundraiser party, March 21, is the same night as the Anti-Repression Crew's benefit. Next weekends in the ballroom are Romeo and Juliet, though possibly we could take over the ballroom at 10, start in sudo / disco room? or kick it out til mid-april. the weekend of the 17th/18th of april is really the only fri/sat option for the ballroom. that settles that!


  • $508.25/wk on Gratipay. Please donate!
  • Haven't been paid by Gratipay since 2/20. Some bank snafu. Matt and Jenny are following up.
  • $827 currently available
  • Jenny leaves to join the omni finance committee meeting

Conflict Mediation

  • Ryan (deilann) and Sam are Rayc's conflict steward and mediator, respectively.
    • Rayc holding off on conflict mediation for another week at least, taking a breather
  • Doc, a new member applicant who violated the safer space policy for racist and homophobic language
    • Asked to leave pending mediation, steward/mediator are matt and rachel
      • failed to show for first meeting with matt, has been talking with rachel

Next Week

  • let's have a potluck and plan a party \o/