Mesh/10 October 2013
Max B, Juul, Rhodey, Helen, Deeko, Jake, Chris, Tom (happens to be here)
- Juul - Set up some new VPS servers and created a setup a new node script (at least for dev)
- Rudy - Creating a GUI for node config.
- Should we set a deadline for beginning deployment?
- InternetIsDownRedirect - Not critical - Let's pass
- Splash Page - Not critical, but nice to have (max o designing)
- Reliable Remote Updates - Let's pass on the first round if we're all just taking these home
- Build Server - CRITICAL - Juul and MaxB
- Configuration server - CRITICAL - Rhodey and Juul
- SSL + CA tools - CRITICAL - Juul (done)
- Node Watchdog - CRITICAL - Rhodey
- Status Reporting - Very nice to have!
- QoS/Bandwidth Shaping - CRITICAL - Juul (not done)
- Private mini-admin - CRITICAL - Maxb (almost done)
- Exit and relay Nodes - CRITICAL - could use polishing - Juul (not done)
- Autodetection of Internet/Batman-adv gateway setup - CRITICAL - Juul
- Choosing a Channel - CRITICAL - Everybody
- Node Database - CRITICAL - Rhodey and Juul
- List of nodes for initial deployment - Jenny?
WIFI Channel Choosing
- Let's all go home and find out what the least crowded channel is!
- Here are some tools:
- 3 Weeks!
- Oct 31st!