Mesh/14 August 2018
People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 14 August 2018 7:30pm-9pm
Last Meeting Minutes:
- Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
- Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
- Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
- Next Sunday (5 mins)
- Discussion: Internet Archive mount (15 mins)
- Action Items (5 mins)
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
- Icebreaker question:
- null - they/them - saturday
- nanomonkey (scott) - thursday
- martin - he thursday
- grant -
- cassidy - someday
- selene - she/her - thursday, reporter from KALW
- marc - tomorrow question for next week (what was everyone's favorite day of the past week).
- jenny - she/her
- discussion of outdoor routers & radios
- grant: would like to work on LibreMesh interoperability ( )
- marc: also want to add support for non-open firmwares, eg; stock ubiquiti
- grant: already have a script that autoconfigures ubiquiti routers
- marc: also want to add support for non-open firmwares, eg; stock ubiquiti
This Sunday's Mount
- grant: wants to set up a rocket m5 (point-to-multipoint) on the roof of omni this sunday. airos or sudowrt or libremesh?
- marc: prolly air OS if multiple clients connecting
- discussion of LibreMesh and annual community wireless events (BattleMesh, ISCW, etc)
- grant got the firmware build down to one minute!
- marc: what kind of changes trigger full rebuild?
- grant: not sure
- marc: what kind of changes trigger full rebuild?
Internet Archive Mount
- talked with Jonah @ dweb summit and he's down to work on the Archive tower mount this month!
- jenny: we need to talk to peef
- jenny: another note on that: I ran into liz who wants to be involved again
- ** talking to people around dweb summit realized there are another half dozen locations we need to go survey and mount
- grant we should
- see what frequencies we're allowed to use, if anything will interfere
- Edge Router?
- battery backup?
- Jenny will email Jonah and CC Grant, Marc, Lesley, Mai, Ben, others who've expressed interest
jenny note stash
- node mounts: Pam (north of Lake Merrit), b4bel4b, 5th ave marina, dragon&franki's (next to babelab), liberate 23rd ave / lolspace--> the village, scott's, tigermonkey
- Radical Networks conference in Berlin, Oct 19-21 - for cheap flights search or or scott's cheap
Action Items
- Email Jonah & CC interested Archive mount folks [jenny]
- Make new video more visible (blog & social media posts) [jenny]
- Reply to Lib23rdAve [jenny]
- Discuss / distro reimbusements [jenny, accounting wg]
Last Meeting Notes
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki with the correct date format:
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
- previous meeting notes are archived here: