Mesh/18 July 2017

Peoples Open Meeting - 2017-07-18


  • daniel: my name is daniel and i've been waiting for this meeting since 7 o'clock
  • scott: my name is scott and i'm a meshaholic. i built a little solar powered raspberry pi rig over the weekend that i figured i could bring into the next BYOI workshop. it's got a big lipo battery and a 50 watt solar panel.
  • mario: (dumps a bunch of soil sensors on the table) ...<note-taker-distracted>... I'm organizing a group that will 3D print cases.
  • grant: working on esp8266 for the garden mesh. has two talking to each-other. needs to get from 2 nodes to 3 nodes.
  • sierk: i'm trying to learn more about mqtt and mdns. talked to jake about bike-powered nodes (jake is in portland). we were brainstorming about how to attract people at street faires: bike-powered nodes and games.
  • juul:
  • patrik: found interesting workaround to my dilemma of having weird packages on my ubuntu which was to use an exterior usb drive to have a different linux OS and it seems to be working fine. is anyone interested in going to defcon? sierk: at least Charlie and one other guy from sudo room is going. they were talking about sharing a car.
  • bullitt: in the past week i talked to monkeybrains and told them that we might want to set up a node in SF. they said that the water causes reflections that make it problematic. they said that they're coming to the east bay soon. also working on the graphics for website. i support the vector formats but it's being problematic with regards to web.
  • trent: recently graduated from college. not really working on anything special but hoping to jump in soon.
  • richard: member of counter culture labs and BAM. i love IOT projects. working on MIT food computer. also making electric motorcycle. i also like aquaponics.
  • logan: came to build your own internet workshop. am here for the dancing.


= anyone find a place that could get sonic fiber and

  • bullit has a lead and will talk to the folk there

exit node

It was decided that sudo mesh should get 7u 100 mbit 1 year service at hurricane electric.

idea: sell vpn services, setup openvpn, informally accept payments on patreon,


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