Mesh/21 February 2013
Mark, Juul, Jenny, Bill, Miguel, Dres
Debrief from Saturday's field trip
- Replaced router at the Bikery in San Antonio (1) and Matt's house in Fruitvale (2)
- Installed new router at the Bikery's second location (in the same building as LOLspace) (3)
- Scoped out the rooftop situation at the LOL/SOL building
Equipment Needs
- Binoculars w/ built-in compass
- Normal compasses if the above can't be procured
- Tripods for mounting antennas
- Wifi USB dongles
- Wifi measuring device (from Ubiquiti)
- Weather-resistent enclosures
- Walkie talkies!
- Wifi-based microwave interference detector
- Ham certification gives you some privileges on the wifi frequencies (up to 50 watts!?)
- Alameda island mesh network attempt:
- We should assess wifi rane in crappy weather conditions
- Schools, libraries, city buildings
Needs Assessment
- How much equipment can we procure from donations?
- DD-WRT and OpenWRT compliance with various kinds of routers
Sudo Room Inventory
- OpenMesh MR500
- 1 Linksys WRT54GL v.1.1 (4 MB)
- 2 Linksys WAP54G v.3.1 (2 MB)
Action Items
- Research on outdoor weatherproof equipment
- Jenny will talk to Commotion folks
- Work on OpenITP proposal.
- Work on proposal for OpenOakland / City of Oakland.