This is a place for providing instructions, documenting changes, and troubleshooting problems regarding SudoPad, the etherpad-lite instance running on the sudomesh server.
Etherpad lite is a real time collaborative editor which allows multiple users to simultaneously work with the same document.
SudoPad is available at or Documentation regarding etherpad can be found in its repo,
If you receive an nginx error (like 503 bad gateway) when going to
- Try going to
- If this also fails, start (or restart) the etherpad instance by logging into sudomesh server and running,
sudo start etherpad-lite
Setting up an etherpad-lite instance
The following are the instructions that were used to install our instance of etherpad-lite and could be used to reinstall the instance from scratch. Instructions adapted from
1. Add a new etherpad-specific system user, etherpad should never be run as root in production.
sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/etherpad --group etherpad-lite
2. Install prequistes, some of these may already be installed, but it is always good to check that they are up-to-date,
sudo apt update sudo apt install gzip git-core curl python libssl-dev build-essential abiword python-software-properties
3. Next, you'll need to install Node.JS and NPM as the etherpad-lite user,
sudo su - etherpad-lite -s /bin/bash curl -o- | bash export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" # or you can close and reopen your terminal before using nvm nvm install 7.10
4. Install and test etherpad-lite with following command,
sudo su - etherpad-lite -s /bin/bash mkdir -p ~/local/etherpad cd ~/local/etherpad git clone git:// cd etherpad-lite bin/
5. Etherpad should now be running manually, you can check by going to <hostname>:9001 6. However, you will want to set up etherpad as a service that can be run in the background, to do this,
sudo mkdir /var/log/etherpad-lite sudo chown etherpad /var/log/etherpad-lite sudo chown -R etherpad /var/log/etherpad-lite sudo nano /etc/init/etherpad-lite.conf
7. In the etherpad-lite.conf file paste the following:
description "etherpad-lite" start on started networking stop on runlevel [!2345] env EPHOME=/opt/etherpad/local/etherpad/etherpad-lite env EPLOGS=/var/log/etherpad-lite env EPUSER=etherpad-lite pre-start script cd $EPHOME mkdir $EPLOGS ||true chown $EPUSER:admin $EPLOGS ||true chmod 0755 $EPLOGS ||true chown -R $EPUSER:admin $EPHOME/var ||true $EPHOME/bin/ >> $EPLOGS/error.log || { stop; exit 1; } end script script cd $EPHOME/ exec su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' $EPUSER -- node node_modules/ep_etherpad-lite/node/server.js \ >> $EPLOGS/access.log \ 2>> $EPLOGS/error.log end script
8. Assuming everything worked correctly, you should be able to start the etherpad service,
sudo start etherpad-lite
9. Check if it worked by going again to <hostname>:9001
Setting up the MySQL database
You may have noticed a warning about DirtyDB in the logs when you started the service. It is advised that you do not use DirtyDB in production, instead, we'll setup a MySQL database for etherpad in our existing MySQL server.
1. First, assumming that MySQL is already installed and configured on the server, log into the MySQL server as root,
mysql -u root -p
2. Once in MySQL, execute the following commands,
create database `etherpad-lite`; grant all privileges on `etherpad-lite`.* to 'etherpad'@'localhost'; exit
3. Now go to the ethepad config file with,
sudo nano /opt/etherpad/local/etherpad/etherpad-lite/settings.json
and change the settings to match the priveleges you just granted, replacing the default dbType categories with the following,
"dbType" : "mysql", "dbSettings" : { "user" : "etherpad", "host" : "localhost", "database": "etherpad-lite" "charset" : "utf8mb4" },
4. Restart the service and go to <hostname>:9001 to enable the new settings and check that the instance is still working.
5. Finally, back on the server, we'll need to change a few of the database's settings to do this, log into the MySQL server with,
mysql -u root -p
and then execute the following commands,
ALTER DATABASE `etherpad-lite` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; USE `etherpad-lite`; ALTER TABLE `store` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; exit
6. To set backups of the etherpad-lite database...
Setting up log rotation
Explain what log rotation does? Why is it neccessary?
1. Create a logrotate config file with,
sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/etherpad-lite
2. Copy and paste the following into this file,
/var/log/etherpad-lite/*.log { rotate 4 weekly missingok notifempty compress delaycompress sharedscripts postrotate restart etherpad-lite >/dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript }
3. Check that it is working with,
logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.d/etherpad-lite
- setup/check-on the timetable for clearing abandoned pads