Meeting Notes 2013-01-30
Version 58511 Saved January 30, 2013
Authors: Jenny, len, Wolfy, ykciV, unnamed, legind, yardena, Juul, hol + 1 unnamed author ( )
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Welcome to Sudo Room! What are we all about?? Check out this welcome message and FAQ here:
Attendees:��� Len, Jenny, Sam, Troy, Jordan,� Jae, Hol, Billy, Jesse, Zach, Julio,��� ykciV, Anthony D., Ian,, Eric, Bill, Wolfy, Tommy, Kat,�� Micha,� Dan, Xavi
0. introductions
1. updates
2. announcements
3. fiscal solvency
4. amendments to the compact
5. discussion overflow
6. meta-organization
7. conflict resolution
- 0. Introductions
- Introduction to overflow format and stack with hand signals.
- Introquestion:�
- fill out your user profile on the wiki :)
- 1. updates - 10 minutes max
- 1 person per topic, 1 minute maximum
- Inclusivity/Onboarding: You are the ambassador
- We are already doing an excellent job at this, keep it up!
- Intentions: Communicate values and remove the intimidation factor
- Hacker Happy Hour
- Let's do it again on Feb 8th?
- Music server status
- - Pulse Audio Server
- - Music Player Daemon (needs its static ip back)
- Door status
- Downstairs door - we don't know. rumors of murder.
- Access to upstairs door
- First CNC milling of aluminum last night at sudo room! what about clean up???
- Talk to Jack / ElectricJack (irc)
- Internet status
- pending overhaul
- art murmur!
- Plan here! -
- Missing Moscow Puzzles Book
- Oakland Wiki Editathon this Sunday at sudo room from 1-5pm
- 2. Announcements - 10 minutes max
- 1 person per bullet, 30 sec max
- (Protocol: Add to this pad during the week)
- Big Data and Data Analysis (and AI) Introduction and straw poll for future meetings
- Intro to Rocketry next week (tues or thurs)-hol
- Tuesday, Feb 5th 5:30-7:00PM
- Oakland��� Wiki Editathon this Sun. 2/3 at Sudo Room from 1-5. Come add content��� about hacker/makerspaces and hacker/makerpeople in Oakland, or edit on��� any topic that you'd like!
- March��� 14th Screening of "Who Bombed Judi Bari" in the common room.� Daryl��� Cherney(director of the film, and one of the people bombed in the car,��� and famous member of Earth First)will be there.�
- Next��� "Today I Learned" workshop: Feb. 9th Sewing Hackathon from 1-4PM.� Full�� schedule & sign up to attend or facilitate a workshop/talk� here:
- Feb 2 - None, Feb 9 - Sewing hackathon, Feb 16 - Intro to Bicycle Repair����
- Intro to bicycle repair is also a bike 'stuff' drive (materials, parts,�
- Feb 2 - None, Feb 9 - Sewing hackathon, Feb 16 - Intro to Bicycle Repair����
- Sudo-Sys Mailing List
- Join it if you're into IT things.
- Bike rack installation on Broadway )ykciV(
- Mesh networking meetup (Thurs 8:30pm)
- Also talking about non-wifi wireless networks: CB, DECT, sneakernet, etc.
- Build a tractor (or brick compacting device?) friday at noon (address?)
- 3. Fiscal Solvency - 10 minutes max
- Exchequer presents 2 minutes
- No��� change from last week: ~1k in bank, ~2k+ pending for next month, the��� ample surplus continues, standing funds expected to be filled within��� < 3 months
- $You $hould all pay $ome money$ if you have $ome money.
- Fiscal Solvency Sheets (check out draft Feb. 2013 budget sheet)�
- Member list and membership contributions sheet:����
- Items for potential addition to the budget:
- garbage & recycling service
- internet
- art murmur membership
- Exchequer presents 2 minutes
- 4. amendments to the compact - 10 minutes max
- 10 minutes of discussion per changes�
- To draft changes to the Articles of Association,
- safety-related proposed changes
- 5. Discussion overflow - extendable
- 6. meta-organization - 10 minutes max
- Discussion about non/alcoholic drinks consumption )ykciV(
- Discuss��� possibility of using hand signals to rank order of people on the� stack�� and signal other interesting dimensions of the council/meeting��� conversation. PS: Discussion Rant about the evolution of archivization�� I� learned bc of Oakland Wiki. )ykciV(
- 7. conflict resolution - 10 minutes max
- IRC / Email / Communication Practice - Matt
- This encapsulates the IRC policy question below, but extends beyond it.
- Matt does not think a specific policy is the solution, though it is /a/ solution.
- Matt suggests adding a new value will be helpful:
- Distributing "root" access over keeping "root" concentrated.
- Possible use of a sudobot to decentralize power of ops
- IRC policy
- Is��� this a request to hash out a policy? or something else related to the��� idea of an IRC policy? Please be as specific as possible
- What attempts have been made at resolution?
- Suggestions:
- IRC bot as founder
- 4 founders voted upon
- Rotational foundership
- Timon?
- IRC / Email / Communication Practice - Matt
- 8. Post-Meeting Meetups!
- Big Data and Data Analysis - Sam
- Art murmur