Meeting Notes 2015-06-03
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Sudoroom Weekly Meeting June 3, 2015
icebreaker question: what is the nature of your hacker emergency? alternate question: what is a good icebreaker question? or: what have you been up to lately? or: what is the best way to delay a meeting from starting?
- yar: it involves rock, mud and airborn organisms
- substack: back from europe
- bill; passed exam, researching surveillance in the middle east
- bill wants to help resurrect cryptoparties
- daniel is getting more into sudoroom remote meetings, instead of nothing at all.
- marc: not sleeping
- matt: (A) it's urgent. (B) "what is the best way to delay a meeting from starting?" (C) I was in the forest!
- johnny: just like this
- lesley: issues with css buttons; omega project
- sam: not banned;
- noemie; upstairs
we finally have quorum and we don't have to decide anything
- informal discussion of how it'd be cool to project the meeting notes again
- matt sets one up
- marc says we're wasting time. sit down.
- $410 per week from gratipay
- ~$480 per month from sudo-humans
- not sustainable but buying us more time
omega projects
what's cool at sudoroom this week?
- friends from shenzhen here to compete in a robot competition, visited monday, did cool stuff with CV
- if the robot learns 3d scanning then it can do face painting and give haircuts. what could possibly go wrong
- matt sorted shit, is setting up a radio
- old linode is down forever, no longer paying $40/mo for a fucking website
- laser cutter ventilation is THROUGH THE ROOF LITERALLY
- soon we'll have a mesh node on the roof too
- buying gigabit wifi for omni
- CCL fundraiser at 24/30k
- lesley: do we need to be sleek and startupey? want an old noisebridge or new noisebridge aesthetic? now they have a bidet. feels safer but i'm not bothered by this.
- yar: i think we have room for multiple aesthetics
- marc: it's important to be able to find the tools. easier to deal with mess if you just bringing your own laptop
- matt: but if you know where they are it's easier to steal
- lesley: cheap rfid or speakers to attach to everything
- daniel: really, messy places are not motivators to start projects, at least in my gray matter.
- juul: agree. i like how noisebridge is atm.
- daniel: should check noisebridge and see how they do deal w this. don't be jelous. :)
- juul: by being less open to the public than they used to be. and having a few volunteers recently spend a crazy amount of effort organizing the space.
- daniel: I see. thx juul.
- daniel: a week or so ago in irc someone mentioned about what to do with the wall vertical space, and i thought that would be nice to have a rack there so members can hang their bikes there. one idea: http tinyurl com pbbbxgk
- long conversation about shelves for outgoing stuff where things move around the shelves to indicate how imminently trashy they are
- yar: like anything else this can be solved by ubiquitous surveillance
- or it could be a fun meeting activity to go through the shelf
- [matt wheels over the shelf. it begins.]
- there's a weird tape recorder shit, there's a lava lamp shaped tesla coil
- haggling over a mostly-empty bottle of windshield fluid
- weird beer coasters aka wind chimes aka hard drive platters
- extremely naive conversation about illegal dumping
- someone really wants to just put it in other peoples' dumpsters
- optikallusions got insurance or something
- sudoroom should itemize our assets so we could get reimbursed for big stuff like printers, robots, tools, etc
non-profit status
- our lawyer is still waiting for a copy of last year's tax stuff because someone submitted it without making a copy first
cell phone chargers
- someone came in wanting to charge their phone
- there is not currently anything shaped like micro-usb on the table, although many things could be hacked into such a shape
computer request
- jim from food not bombs just walked in requesting a computer. his broke.
- we had a huge pile but they were all stolen. a few desktops left.
- pretty sure we know who stole them
- maybe come by on linux installfest fridays!
- prolly not stolen, if the ones under the server room area are the ones in question, let's check w Ed. I will. No these are a bunch of laptops and harddrives from the shelves. Oh crap. That's not good.
- he slept here a lot, agreed not to, kept doing it, was told to leave, said nah, still comes back, walked through here earlier tonight
- conflict is still in process, we should let process happen and not jump to conclusions. it's in mediation.
- substack: door system is reliable now so we should depend on it more. irc bot tells you when people swipe in or when hardware errors happen. less spammy now.
- substack: sudo-humans can't memberify each other yet
- This would be the ideal process:
- good to have a peer to peer model
- yar: but also important to let us block new members
- daniel temp note: yesterday i ran a check on poodle attack against, just for fun. :) well, i did it for work, so i checked sr as well. -we are cool. :)I also ran it against, clear also.
- yar: don't make it a temp note, we are proud of our opsec
- (thx yar)
- omni inspection coming soon
- sudo can maybe get ready with a big cleaning party with 2 days notice
- shelf needs to be reorganized into work bench
- whole building needs to eliminate tripping hazards
- please do anything on this damn list:
which things on the list are in sudo?
- sign on the door to the basement saying "this is not an exit"
- "install emergency exit sign w/ frog eyes. Actually, confirm w/ Fire since this door opens west into sudo, instead of outward."
- "run more 3/4" conduit further down west wall. Must know code."
- "5LB ABC Fire extinguishers at correct height every ~75' - starting with under each exit sign"
- "Install covered ceiling light in sudo hallway, facing sudo just before doorway to cafe"
- hallway bathroom: emergency lighting module (frog eyes) needs be installed (as in in every bathroom)
- west wall: do better job of affixing & routing low-voltage 'inside wiring' ie all ethernet, phone cabling
- Create dedicated space for storing excess lumber (long pieces), pipe. metal pieces etc so they are not in jumbles (fire code)
- door to basement: sand down side of door so it does not stick closed so bad (belt sander optimal)
- hallway door: Install panic hardware & lock to this door
- install closers on all 3 doors: hallway, basement, stage
- stairwell to basement: replace bare-bulb temp. fixture in stairwell, with covered fixture
- some dedicated people are working on doors and lights throughout the building
- electrical needs to be a real contractor
- mostly we just need to look clean & legit
- yar: we don't want people to die here. need to really feel it in our hearts
laminating machine
yes we have one
- what happened? huh? which sam? not the one here
- nobody here knows the details
- marc: not the first time this guy's been a problem. already been banned from another hackerspace. give him some time up?
- substack: delegating to individual ppl is possibly not the best way to go because it's a big emotional burden
- yar: but when you bring it to meetings it's peoples' first impression and they're like fuck these dramatic ppl
- bill says we seem low-drama
- substack: you should've been here 4 months ago omg
- this guy might be outside right now. he was when substack came in
- the email thread:
- fuck this we are not dealing with it (too much name confusion)
- no bullshit
- matt: also don't want to escalate the situation
- "several messes and strange assemblages"
- everybody is too confused about who's talkign about who so fuck this. don't even know who we're supposed to ban anymore.
new newbie night
- let's do it tuesday nights because hardware hacking is so successful
- let's ask jake if he's down?
- it doesn't matter if he's down
- while looking for pictures of sam we found some photo of one of sudoroom's first events. thinking about reaching out to old folks who haven't been around as much
- yar: every time i think about that, i decide to wait until we pass more milestones with the building. want to invite people into something fun, not something that's just a lot of hard amorphous stressful work. i think passing the fire inspection and getting the permits recognized will have a positive cascade effect though.
8:34 DOOR EVENT: somebody swiped into the building 8:37 DOOR EVENT: somebody swiped into the building