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(Hol showing off his electronically controlled Beer Making Keg at the Microcircuits Hack Night.)
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Hol showing off his electronically controlled Beer Making Keg at the Microcircuits Hack Night.
Hol troubleshooting his electronically controlled mash keggle at the Microcircuits Hack Night.  DS18B20 sensors and a sainsmart 4x relay board extend the reach of the vanilla-flavored Arduino Duemilanove.  Temperature is controlled to within 0.5F and plotted in processing.  This is a bang'bang type controller, switching an AC pump and a 1000W resistive heating element on at (Tset - 0.5F) and off at (Tset + 0.5F).  Upon looking at the temperature curve from room temperature up to 100 degrees, it appears 1000W is not enough power input to command the system.  A second 1000W element will be added prior to the first brew.
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