Fiscal Sponsors

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ISI The Hen Foundation School Factory Noisebridge
mission alignment (with Sudo Room) medium - "ethical ecosystem management" and really into co-ops, etc high - celebrate the interconnectedness of art and activism high - value-creating communities and spaces that transform education high - you know, it's a bay area hackerspace
relationship (to Sudoers) good - Danny Spitzberg had fiscal sponsorship and knows the ceo/founder good - Craig Rouskey is on their Board of Directors good - Jenny Ryan is in contact with founders, but wait, there's more, many more good - co-founders are members, healthy dialogue exists
services many, great minimal many, seems great none
legal advice yes, direct no yes no
general advice yes, direct not really yes yes
assistance through network tax filing leadership development; community development; advocacy; legal and tax compliance; grant and fund development; technology documentation of their efforts usable; that's mostly it
community no some! extensive network of other similar projects of course
costs very low unknown.... For now! TBD minimal
flat fee no unknown.... For now! TBD TBD
percent of revenue 0.045 unknown.... For now! TBD TBD
headquarters/location Sacramento, CA decentralized, USA Milwaukee, WI SF. CA
URL inquiring Systems Inc
point of contact for the org Loren Cole Craig Rouskey Someone! noisebridge email list
progress/status on obtaining fiscal sponsorship inquired! Pun! But seriously- ready to go waiting for proposal from Sudo Room offered sponsorship - and ready to go, presumably not even started