Meeting Notes 2016-08-17

sudo room PARTY wednesday 8/17/2016




  • due sep1st: $2,040.18
  • currently in bank acct: $533.29 + $29.41 from Paypal = $562.70
  • jenny filed sudo's 199N (state tax form) prior to extention expiration (990N filed in time)
    • also set up accounting software and hard-transcribed all of our bank statements from internet credit union (they only had PDFs archived >_<) @ - same login info as the bank acct. talk to jenny if you want to help with finance stuff, visualize profit & loss data, put some things up on github, etc
    • also applied for a refund for business tax now that we have our 501c3 letter
    • also ask if you want to help with pestering non-paying members, made a spreadsheet of all paypal/stripe/cash payments associated with individual members. still getting $50/wk from Gratipay, which is anonymous

new members