Meeting Notes 2016-12-14

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Sudo Room mtg / party 2016/12/14



  • What is our icebreaker question?


  • Matt - "what's our icebreaker question?"
  • Jake - "what's our icebreaker question? -- it's the question not the answer! at the beginning of the meeting, we always have an icebreaker question"
  • Michael - "what you ask new interviewees" - "i don't want to be hazed" - "this is a window into someone's creative potential"
  • Romy - "we should have some kind of initiation ritual, or some hazing"
  • David - "...meta"
  • Katie - "if you had to be on an island, and you can only bring 3 things, what would those things be?" "if you could make any icecream, what would it be?"

proposal: meet more frequently

  • Let's meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays instead of only once a month.

discussion: standing rock solidarity hackmeet

  • Fairly preliminary, but I've been wanting to see what could be helpful / productive / aligned from the tech side to best support the ongoing DAPL protest in N Dakota. Please share if you're interested or have project ideas:

new members

New Member: Michael H

PROMPT: There are no wrong answers

Would you like to very briefly introduce yourself?

  • my name is michael and I want to join sudo room, the end.

What brings you to sudo room?

  • I googled hackerspace and it was the first thing. i was done. I drove 40 minutes to get here, closest place I can find
    • jake: it's also the best, honestly.

What do you want to hack or learn at sudo room (if you know)?

  • The only thing I'm going to hack at first is solder.
    • why?
      • I want to learn to make a keyboard for my brother
      • A mechanical keyboard for people with too much time at computer.

What do you want to share or teach at sudo room (if you know)?

  • I was not expecting this. Teaching. I can teach how to animate in flash.

What's your plan to abolish sexual violence, police brutality and white supremacy? in 10 words or less

  • Don't do any of those things and you'll be good. Just don't do it.

What's your plan to end the anthropocene extinction, world hunger, global warming and global inequality? in 10 words or less

  • Everybody should have food and then nobody will starve. Just follow that rule and then good. Don't break the rule, everything will turn out fine.

What's your plan to ensure freedom and privacy of communication for all? in 10 words or less

  • Don't look at peoples' private things, that would be bad.


Sudo Room is part of the omni commons and as such, we take the omni commons statement of solidarity and safer space policy seriously. These policies include expected codes of conduct and the consequences of unacceptable behavior. As a member, you are expected to both act according to the code of conduct and also to be a part of acting to counter unacceptable behavior (we don't let mistreatment slide). Is this going to be a problem for you?

Ideally this should include the group going over the statement of solidarity and the expected behavior and consequences of unexpected behavior section of the safer space policy to make sure the person understands what's expected of them.

  • Not a problem.

Have you ever been banned, asked to take a break, or similar, from a hackerspace or any other collective?

  • Nope.
    • Romy: Why not?

What are the best ways to contact you?

  • Email:

What is your schedule like? Do you have particular times that you think you'll be around? You should check out our regular events!

  • I'm gonna be here on official meeting times ~7pm Hardware Hacking Tuesday & Sudo Party Weds (2nd weds of month)

Explain the next steps in the membership process and what they should expect

  • You should now. Immediately. Set up an account on sudo humans and set it up to pay the recommended $30 per month membership fee, or more, or sliding scale down to $10 per month.


Get them set up to pay membership dues on sudo-humans

Give them Blog and Wiki accounts.

Subscribe them to mailing list(s).

Ask if they require any exceptions, such as early (temporary) access?

action items