Meeting Notes 2017-11-29

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Nov 29, 2017:

   - Members present: charley, kyle, steve, daron, greg, matt, nick, dante, patrik, jenny, sierk, yar, 
   - Dante read the eviction-related proposal from the mailing list.
         - at least six people clearly indicated a yes vote, and no one objected. proposal is adopted.
   - Omni Cafe Sin Fronteras Proposal: The lease agreement for the cafe proposal was discussed. Some of the terms seemed confusing, and possibly irrelevant. No one stated any objection to the idea of a cafe, but Kyle thought there might be some snag for the omni if the cafe is allowed to proceed. Specificlly, preserving omni's nonprofit status seems like a concern. For-profit member collectives were discussed. Apparently we've had them before. Laura says that their other coffee shop (Akat Cafe) has been around since ~2013. The sense of the meeting seems to be that we're generally in favor of having a coffee shop, but there are some concerns about some details. Hours of operation, exact description/sketch/drawing of space to be leased. Amount of rent ($800/month for the space + $250/month for utilities + unclear amount for property tax) 
   Areas of concern:
       - term of lease (4+4 seems long, 2+2 seems more reasonable)
       - cost of signage, and whether omni should pay for it, and the intent of the requirement to provide signage (whether something specific was needed, or if it could be removed from the lease entirely and dealt with later)
       - Exact floorplan and square footage was unclear
       - multiple people wanted more clarity about the intention to become a member collective or not, with strong preference that they do
   Also, not an area of concern, but a friendly message: stop by and visit us sometime so we can get to know you, and you can get to know us.